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Profile Image Naomi Hare


Hello all from here in the Scottish Borders - Kelso - started of years ago on here in Edinburgh - Total luddite can’t spell for toffee 😊🤣 enjoyall.

Monstera deliciosa

  • Season Icon Early SummerEarly Summer 2017
  • Like Count 34

#Swisscheese plants got a battering in the move - time to make baby's , mamas exactly 17 and 3 months years old , pinched a cutting on the maternity ward back then...😉😋😁at the old Simpson maternity here before they closed to convert it a few days later into impending flats 😬😜🙃 when I had Bryony - (not the plant my daughters name ... ) a #Monsteradeliciosa 😬😂 teen
