Monstera deliciosa
Swiss Cheese Plant
Mid Winter 2019
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Mid Winter 2019
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Early Winter 2019
- 16
Early Winter 2019
- 8
Late Spring 2017
- 4

Monstera deliciosa
Mid Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2019

Does anyone know if this will pull through I think that light green and yellowish color is from getting way to cold. A couple other leaves look the same????😰

From experience I don’t think so....having said that I know zero about house plants...🤷🏼♀️ 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Really awesome leaves of these plant I love it😜 @terrimclaughlin

@Muhhamadabbas do you know about this plant?? Maybe not cause they live in the rainforest alittle different type of weather than u have. I think it got slightly frozen😰😰 I hope it’ll b ok

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom. Well u were “spot on!!” It was frozen I’m so glad but it’s very rootbound and I guess I’ll wait until this cold weather weather goes by and repot it!!! Great statement!!👍🏻👍🏻😊💕
Early Winter 2019

Growing really good!!! Hope spring comes soon!!😊💕

That is really gorgeous! Spring is just around the corner!!💘😍

It’ll be here real soon! I think last year at this time you were getting ready to add those beautiful flower beds🤗🤗👍🏻. And they sure came out great!!

Do you call that a cheese plant like we do Terri..🧀

@wagamomthompsonbtinternetcom I’ve heard on YouTube and in magazines it’s called the “Swiss cheese plant”. That does really fit it more the Monstera.?? I’m guessing Monstera translates to split leaf???😮🤔🤭😂😊💕

@natii I think we’re all getting spring fever. At least it wasn’t a bad winter but u know that old saying!!!!! So I’ll be glad when it’s spring 😊💕

@tracygarden Thxs for ur comments. I love this plant my daughter @hannahchristine gave it to me it was a cutting from hers. I love it. Hers is huge🤗🤗😊💕

Was your comment for me Terri? If so you forgot to tag me!😂 anyway you're right I was making those two new beds last year!💘😍

Absolutely Terri! Can't wait for spring to arrive. I only hope there won't be a late onset of winter. Your Monstera is looking fantastic! Seems to be quite big 💚😊🤗

@ShelleySnyder yes it was 😊 I hate when I do it😟🤭😮. Thxs for letting me know. Have a good night Shelley😮💕

I think monstera means monster, Terri! Lol actually, I looked it up, it from the Latin meaning 'abnormal',... due to the split leaves. I love Google 😁

@terrimclaughlin I want one. Yours is beautiful.
Early Winter 2019

My Monstera! The problem is I can’t seem to get a cutting to root but as u c I only have 1 main trunk?

You can c where I cut a couple branches trying to propagate @cpl721 but I believe I need some of the trunk not just the branch I was thinking off topping it off??😊💕. All advice welcome @cyndi @ShelleySnyder???😊💕

This was from a cutting from @hannahchristine I’m not sure why I just have the one trunk (not sure if that’s what it’s called?)😊💕

I think your best bet would be to take the top, if you want to take the chance, I've never done one of these.🤔 If you can get another cutting from Hannah then I would go for it!💘😍

@cyndi Thxs cyndi I think that’s what I’m going to do I wasn’t sure how far to go down I think I should just wait till about March but like you said it should keep growing maybe creating another branch. Thxs🤗🤗😊💕

@ShelleySnyder yep it’s getting cut🤭😂🤗. They seem to propagate easy but I think topping this one is the only way. Usually I think they have a lot of trunks not sure why this ones growing like this?!?? So hopefully I’ll post it a few months after I top it off!!!!👍🏻🤗😊💕

They are a climber normally grow 1 stem up to 65' tall. @terrimclaughlin

@moore.794 First, I hope your holidays were wonderful and let’s hope this new year gives us peace, happiness, good health and wonderful days of gardening!! Thxs Terry I’ve just seen many of these with a few stems but I understand it’s best not to transplant too often I’d love to put some type of natural wood for it to climb I have a trellis but those runners don’t seem to be grabbing hold of it??Thxs for the information!!
Late Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant

My daughter Hannahchristine gave me that! This is its second year. I love it

@terrimclaughlin looks like a split leaf philadendran (sp?)💘😍

Yes mam split leaf philadendron
I thought my Monstera was getting froze in the greenhouse sooo about 45 minutes after I get it out!!OMG look at those roots😱😱😭
Anyone have any suggestions of something I can use til I get a bigger pot over the weekend 😓😥😰😊💕 @cyndi @tkept @columbiariver @ShellSynder @hannahcristine
I have to agree with @cyndi it can hang out there a mighty long time before it bothers it 💘😍
@cyndi @ShelleySnyder that’s what I’m going to do. I put it back in the greenhouse cause we’re waking up to mid 30’s and I put a lot of dirt over the roots and watered them and everything in there pretty good🤗😊💕