Plantain Lily
Mid Summer 2022
- 15
Mid Spring 2022
- 10
Late Spring 2021
- 11
Late Winter 2021
- 11

Mid Summer 2022
Mid Spring 2022

Don’t know what this variety is….it was one of 3 different varieties from Wilco. Love it though 💚💚 #hostachallenge2022 #ajmay

Very nice! 💘😍

Thanks Shelley 😀 @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure!💘😍

Lovely textured leaves 🍃 😍

Looks great

And no holes!!😂 👏🏻💚

Thank you….this one has been a nice surprise this year and seems to be avoiding the worst of the dreaded slugs….so far! @anges @hebelover @juliesgarden

Fabulous leaves! 💚

Thanks Barbara. I need to make a batch of the garlic wash before the little devils get a bout of the the munchies! 🐌 @jacaranda
Late Spring 2021

#hosta #macromonday# #closeup #macro #droplets #green 💚

Fantastic photo Angela!💘😍

Thank you so much Shelley 💚💚 @ShelleySnyder

It was my pleasure Angela!💘😍

Great shot!! 😍 Water drops are some of my favorite pics.

Mine too Sherri, they look like little crystals @sherrisgarden

Great photo 💚

Awesome photo Angela 💚😍

Great picture 💚

@juliesgarden @hkyfvr @hebelover Thank you so much everyone! 💚💚💚

Always welcome 💚💚
Late Winter 2021

I’ve grown hostas in pots successfully but this will be the first time I shall be planting in a border. Could I please ask what you have found to be the most successful slug deterrent when grown in a border please? Any advice much appreciated #advice #advice-hosta #help

I've found the most successful deterrent to be salt and a sharp skewer!!😲 Swamped with them here, of many types, tried various 'folk remedies', tried copper, tried egg shells, nothing has worked well. I'm even inundated with Leopard Slugs, that are supposed to eat slugs instead of plants...they don't seem to here!! I ended up just finding the most resilient Hostas 'Giant Blue' is great, barely a nibble 😄

I hate to say this, Angela, but over the years I’ve dug all my garden Hostas up as I just couldn’t control the slug damage. I’ll only grow them in pots now. However, as Jason @hebelover says, there are some varieties that appear to be slug resistant but they’re few and far between! Good luck with yours 🤞😘

Do you ever see signs of hedgehogs or actual hedgehogs? I'd encourage those as much as possible so they'll eat up slugs etc. 🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔

I only have one hosta! Two years ago it was ok in a pot so last year I planted it out and it became a slug/snail buffet, despite us having 2 hedgehogs, a frog and thrushes all of which are supposed to eat slugs/snails! This year it's going back in a pot!

I'd love to put mine in the ground but I won't bother as I know what will happen. Not much help I'm afraid 😂

Thank you so much for your feedback Jason. I’m probably a bit too squeamish for the salt and skewer technique 🥴😆 but good to know about the ‘Giant Blue’. I shall keep a look out for this one 😀 👍 @hebelover

Hmm...I thought I might be being a little over optimistic! Sadly we don’t have any hedgehogs or other wildlife that could help with this. As they are 3 hostas (varieties unknown) I think I might just pot them up and place around the border with a little grit at the base and Vaseline under the rim. 🤔 Thank you so much for all your feedback 😀 @jacaranda @anges @lilybee @pelly

Having given your post (and my initial reply) some thought why not have a go at planting them in the border? You could surround them with grit or eggshells and see what happens. A garlic wash is also a good deterrent. If they do get eaten just dig them up in the autumn and transfer them to pots. You never know, you might be one of the slug-free lucky ones 😂😂😘

You know what Barbara? Why not?! As you say I can dig them up in the autumn if it doesn’t work out. I’ll also give the garlic solution a try too. As the saying goes...nothing ventured, nothing gained! 🤞😘 @jacaranda

Good plan, Angela! 👍😘
I have a question for all you lovely hosta people out there. One of my hostas has developed these pod like growths from the flowers. Never had them or noticed them before. Any chance I can do anything useful/productive with them? #hosta #advice #hosta-advice #everhopeful #ajaug22
Those are seed pods. They can be used to plant more hostas, but they may not be viable or a true reproduction of the mother plant.
Thank you so much Kari…I did wonder! How would you go about harvesting them and trying to grow new plants from these seed pods please? Might be worth giving it a go if it’s not too difficult 🤔 @karisamuel There is a ton of information on-line, but here is one link. I have never done it, to purposely start them from seeds. But when I deadhead any of my plants, I take some of the seed heads to other areas of my gardens to see if they will do anything! Let me know how it goes! 🌱🪴🌱 #hostaseedpod #seedpods #hostaholic #lotsa-hosta #hostalove #seedidreference
I’m saving the ones on mine too Angela, first time that they’ve produced the seed pods, so thought I’d give it a try.
Excellent! Thank you so much 😊 I shall let you know how I get on. I may well try a random placing in the garden as you have tried with other plants too…I like the idea of seeing if nature can take all the hard work out of gardening! Thanks so much Kari 🙏 @KariSamuel
You are so very welcome! My hostas DO spread... I have always thought it was by underground roots! Maybe my frugal, laziness of just laying the seed heads & pods around has paid off! 🤣
We shall have to compare notes Sarah. 😀 I’ve never had seed pods before either…exciting! 🪴 @sieveheadsarah
Why make things more complicated than they need be?! I’m all for frugal & lazy Kari 😀👍🏼 Really enjoyed reading the link you sent…so interesting 😀 @KariSamuel
I’ve often had seed pods on mine but I’ve never bothered to keep the seeds. I’ll be interested to hear how you and Sarah get on with yours. 🤞 @sieveheadsarah
Certainly worth a go…nothing ventured nothing gained! Will let you know Barbara 😀 @jacaranda
I was just out investigating mine. Odd that some plants do have seeds, some don't. And on the same plant, not all of the flower spikes, nor every flower have seed pods! @sieveheadsarah @italydiva @jacaranda Mother Nature is amazing!