Late Spring 2023
Late Winter 2021

Cataloguing - planted 3 hostas in the ground today. Let the battle commence. Me versus the Slugs and snails. Two against one, I’m not too sure of my chances but here goes nothing! #hosta

Good luck 👊✊💪🍀😃

Thank you Ange. I think I may need it! 😆 @anges

Get the slug pellets down right away Angela....💨💨😆

Good luck!

Be gone you nasty slugs 😳

You’re very brave 🤞🤞🤞

They’re looking well protected, Angela, so you might be alright 🤞😘

Have a look at the Garlic Wash Slug Control recipe and advice on the Sienna Hosta website, Angela. I’m treating all my Hostas with a garlic wash this year. 👍😘

Thank you for all your tips, advice and support. I suspect I shall need all the help I can get! 😘 🐌 🌿@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @lilybee @midnightgardener @pelly

Thank you so much for the link Barbara. I’ve had a look and will definitely give it a go 😘🤞🐌🌿 @jacaranda

@jacaranda That's great advice Barbara and one I will remember. Thank you 👍👍🌹🌹
Morning everyone, I’m struggling with a photo for todays #wildlifewednesday so here’s an alternative take on the theme #hosta-mouseears 🐭 and #toadstool 🐸 #ajjune #fungi #hosta
Morning Angela, struggling here too, loads of birds that I can't get anywhere near 😂
Afternoon Jason…everything is just too quick for me in this heat 😂 You’ll soon be spoilt for choice once your pond is established 😉 @hebelover