Hylotelephium Herbstfreude
Hylotelephium 'Autumn Joy'
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2017
- 6
Late Summer 2017
- 18
Early Spring 2017
- 15
Late Winter 2017
- 14
Mid Winter 2017
- 4
Late Autumn 2016
- 11
Early Autumn 2016
- 19
Late Summer 2016
- 14
Late Summer 2016
- 11
Late Summer 2016
- 15
Mid Summer 2016
- 6
Early Summer 2016
- 11
Early Summer 2016
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 8

Hylotelephium Herbstfreude
Late Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

Starting to turn red 😁

Wow! Gorgeous

Thank you Elaine 😊 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Mid Summer 2018

My stoncrop taking longer to flower this year 🤔 #stonecrop 5/8/18

Mine doesn’t normally fully flower until September Jan 🤔 lots of lovely flowers there though! 🌸

Yes your right Rachel I'm being impatient I think 😂 I have just looked back on previous years photo's 😬 don't want to wish the summer away that's for sure 😂 @rachelbrooks

👍🏼👍🏼 Definitely not! 😂
Early Autumn 2017

Morning 🤗 my #Stonecrop looking at it's best right now 😍 have a good day Gtaggers 😊 #pink

Morning Jan, it's beautiful 💕💕💕

Afternoon Jane thank you hope your having a good day 😀 @pelly

Afternoon Jan, not the best of days, I've got the mother of all colds which started on Saturday, felt a bit better yesterday but now feel like death warmed up. Now I've cheered you up, I hope you are well. 😂😂😂

Oh sorry to hear that Jane, Graham & I had one too last week lasted about 4 days that we caught from Florence, honey&lemon and paracetamol helped us through it and a few glasses of wine too 😉 also a nice walk along the prom last Friday at Southwold blew the cobwebs away feeling ok again 😄 Hope you feel lots better soon take care 😘 @pelly

Thanks Jan, sorry to hear you both had it too. Hopefully I'll be feeling a lot better tomorrow. 👍👍👍
Late Summer 2017

A lovely sunny Monday morning here 🤗 a pic of Aunt Sally with my #stonecrop which is about to flower very soon, enjoy your day 😁

Beautiful pic. Love the sedum 💕

Morning Jan. Haha!! I've got her too 😁

Love Auntie 🤗 beautiful garden picture 😍

You too Jan 😊😊😊

I like Aunt Sally Jan - where did you get her🤔

Thank you Susie😀 @susieg

😄 Cute aren't they 😍 my grandaughter loves her 😄 @lexijane

Thank you Pauline @pauline33

Aw loving Aunt Sally , she looks so cute in amongst the sedum 😁

Morning Ann I got her from B&M's in Beccles, if you don't have a B&M's near you I will get you one and give it to you next time we meet up @thomasrat3 😊

Thanks Pearl bought her to amuse Florence she loves her too, I think her head will bounce off soon she's on a spring 🤣 @fuschia
Early Spring 2017

Good Morning to you all 🤗 the sun is shining the birds are singing 🎤 looks like we are in for another beautiful day☀️ Enjoy 😘

it's certainly a beautiful day 😎😎😎

Helloooo@jan ,

Sorry , pushed wrong bit 🤣🤣🙄. Garden looking good , enjoy the sun ☀️😍

Morning Jan, looking very lush 😎 enjoy your day 🐰💐

It's beautiful out there! ☀️ have a super Sunday Jan 😊

Thank you I will try my best @juliesgarden 😄 you too

Hi Debs yes all the plants are taking off well, amazing what the sun can do, have a lovely day with Alfie in the garden 🐰☀️ @debs69

Isn't it lovely one Rachel ☀️ hope alls good and enjoy your day @rachelbrooks

Morning! Yes another lovely one ☀️we are being spoiled!

It sure is! 🌞☀️🌞All good here thanks lovely 😊 👍🏼

I think we are going to have to make the most of today its not looking so good next week @jacq1075
Late Winter 2017

#newgrowth #stonecrop

They photograph beautifuly don't they Jan. I've just planted one today and have another to do. @janric 😍😍

Lush 👌😎

Yes they do Jane they look much like small roses at this stage😀 @pelly

Very 😄 @lamaisonbleueoleron

It's looking fab Jan 💚👌

Gorgeous Jan @janric so many & looking so lush 😍💚😘 Brilliant photo 👌

Lovely plant. I have in my garden too. 😊

Yes I like them too Andrea I have couple in my garden, @tulip

Thank you Suzie & Mich & Lin they are a lovely plant interesting foliage and lovely flower which reminds me of broccoli as its about to bloom 😄 @linfoster @mich @jadojado29 😄

I've got a few Jan I love them in the garden they're beautiful plants

Baby cabbages! I have several clumps in my garden now, all from one plant. They are ridiculously easy to propagate (even for me!) 😂
Mid Winter 2017


Like tiny cabbages Jan 😊

Yes they do Sue so many new shoots too 😀 @susanhumphrey333
Always love these when they come through 😀
Late Autumn 2016

Morning 🤗 its a lovely bright sunny morning here, just popped outside and have just seen I have new growth on my stone crop enjoy your Sunday Gtaggers😄

I love the way they just all pop up together 😉

Yes me too Beverly @errolly

Morning Jan. 😊😊

Morning Jan they look 👀 like sprouts 🙈

Morning Jane 🙋🏻 @pelly

Yeh they do too 😄 @nessas

Morning Jan they look like dolls house cabbages...😁 have a fab day

Signs of life 👍

😂 @rachelbrooks

👌📸👌 ditto ,this warm spells really triggered everything early here too 😎
Early Autumn 2016

Morning all it's a chilly one out there this morning wrap up warm if your out and about today #red #autumn

Morning Jan, same here today. Your sedum is looking lovely ❤

First time I've had these in my garden really pleased with them, have a good day Julie @vec

Morning Jan same here also lovely sedum 😍

Lovely rich colour 👍🏻 chucking it down again here again Jan , enjoy the rest of the day 😊

Afternoon Jan , sunny here if a little windy but great for washing and gardening 😍👍

How have you got your to stand up mine seem to not like the upright position 🤔

Hi Nessa they just do!😂 do have south facing garden don't know if that helps, perhaps yours wants to be in Oz😉😄 @nessas

Thank you, suns just starting to appear Christine its been such a gloomy morning here this morning enjoy your afternoon @christineb

Lucky you Julie very damp here, inside painting rooms for me over next few days no time for gardening have to be finished by weekend, enjoying lunch break at mo 😄 have a good afternoon, liking new profile pic by the way 👍🏻 @juliesgarden

Beautiful it's been raining all day so no gardening today dad 😭

They must just want to be in Oz Jan as my garden is south facing 🤔😳
Late Summer 2016

Colourful #sedum

@janric that is beautiful!

Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

Beautiful 😊


Thank you Sandy @blueheart June @yodamama Diane @dianesheikh & Julie @vec this certainly adds colour to your garden on a dull rainy afternoon😁

That's vivid! 🌸💗 and garden looks gorgeous Jan 😊

Beautiful colour, beautiful garden 😆

Mighty fine 👍💕🌸💕

Thanks @rachelbrooks & @katgreen the gardens lapping up the much needed rain thats arrived

👍🏻 Deb @debs69

You have sooooo much lovely color left🤗
Late Summer 2016

Beautiful colour


Beautiful 😍

Looks like a pink cauliflower. I mean it as a compliment 😍 looking again it's more like broccoli

Piiiinnnkkk 💗💞💗💖!!

Wow! That's really vibrant! 🌸💗👌🏼 @janric

#pink #sedum #autumnjoy

Yes I suppose it does @susanhumphrey333, I agree with you on the broccoli, I can just imagine it on my plate with the sunday roast 😂😂😂👍🏻

Your fav Julie 😄 @juliesgarden

Thank you @kathy @clustyroen @SikoMa @yodamama @rachelbrooks its taken around 6wks to finally open but worth the wait 😍
Late Summer 2016

Morning Gtags... it's a beautiful sunny warm one here, the colour is just starting to appear on my Sedum, enjoy your Saturday

Morning Nanny Jan 🌸 hope all are well. Have a lovely day 😊 @janric

Hi Rachel morning just put Florence pic on in my profile for you all to see, she is teeny & gorgeous hopefully be able to come home soon with Mum 😍 @rachelbrooks

Oh Jan she's just perfect! 👌🏼And what a beautiful name 🌸 I bet your heart is fit to burst with pride! @janric

Yes all my Christmases have come at once Rachel we are all over the moon much awaited😍💫✨✨💫💕👶💕 @rachelbrooks

Brilliant! 😍Nothing like a new bubba 💝@janric I'm really happy for you 😘

Your new granddaughter is beautiful Jan. Enjoy her all you can. They grow up so quickly 😍

Ah thank you @susanhumphrey333 yes they do, lots of baby sitting duties to be done, they live only 8 miles away so will see Florence lots😍

Autumn joy in honour of Florence

Perfect @kathy 👌😍

My granddaughter is called Ruby Florence 😍

Do love the name Ruby Sue, perfect combination of names😍 all the old fashion names are coming back into fashion again love them @susanhumphrey333
Mid Summer 2016

Happy sunny Saturday morning to you all😀 my sedum is about to flower

Good morning Jan 🌸

Afternoon Rachel @rachelbrooks

Happy Saturday 🌸

You too Deb hope you having the lovely warm sunshine too @debs69

Thanks @janric its lovey here too 😎😉
Early Summer 2016

my #green offering for the weekend 😀 #sedum

I was about to post practically the same photo, you beat me to it, lol ;)

😜 gardengimp

Yours is far better ♡

Aww thank you @gardengimp


@janric great photo!

#bud #upclose


These look great in bud 😍

Yes they do look good they suppose to be a red flower but looks more white at the mo @debs69
Early Summer 2016

Love how the rain droplets glints on the leaves

Sedum Jan?

Sure is Dale @kean 😀

Looking lush 👌
Mid Spring 2016

Another of my plant buys last week

Great little plants😊

Mine are starting to grow nicely never fail every year 🤗

Love Jan 👌

#newplants #sedum

Thank you @kathy @godfreye @fuschia first time I had one of these I'm looking forward to it flowering in Aug

You will love the sedum and show us it in flower @janric i have planted a lot of these in peoples gardens enjoy :-)

Thank you @jameshearn23 will do
#latebloomer #latesummer #stonecrop #pink