Olea europaea
Early Summer 2017
Late Summer 2016

Morning all 🤗 my Olives are starting to appear all we need is 3/4 mths of Mediterranean sunshine☀️☀️☀️

Good morning Jan🙋🏻

Morning Jan. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen 😁

Morning June @yodamama have a fab day🙋🏻

Morning Julie no I suppose not but I can dream😄 @vec

@janric Morning Jan. How're things with you...? 😊

All good here Mike thank you, sitting here with a cuppa deciding wether to cut the grass or is it going to rain🤔 enjoy your day😄 @mikethegardener

Morning Jan ☀️ all round yours for cocktails then! 🍸🍸🍸😉 @janric I didn't realise they would actually fruit in the UK...

Morning Jan hope you manage to cut the grass before it rains 😊


Afternoon Rachel all round at mine then 🍸🍸🍸😄 I'm not sure they will ripen & be edible you can try one if you want😆 @rachelbrooks

Afternoon Nessa no I was too slow its been pouring down here the last couple of hrs😁 @nessas
Mid Summer 2016

Morning everyone ☀️😎

Good morning ☀️😊

Good morning Jan @janric hope it's a nice one 🌤

Good morning 😀

Morning Jan @janric 🤗 is it your birthday today?🤔

Morning Jan, have a lovely day

You'll have olives in no time 😋😉👌😂

Yes it is Deb @debs69 thank you😘 sun is out & off out to lunch to celebrate ☀️😎

Thank you Christine you too 😘

Don't think so need to be in Italy for them @lamaisonbleueoleron 😉

Your in for a big surprised we have them growing here 😳 👍😂 Have a super lunch and enjoy the day 👌

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday 😘🍾🍾🍾enjoy your lunch x
Lots of flowers on my Olive tree this year 😀 #olivetree
Hi Rachel here's the mass of flowers on mine! @rachelbrooks
Wow! You weren't kidding! It's lovely Jan! 👌🏼💚
It's looking fab Jan l👀k at all the flowers! 💚👌
It definitely is the year of the olive mines the same..👍🏼
Mine too Jan 👍👍
Perhaps it may be a crop we can eat this year 🤔 Elaine & Julie @wagsmomth...btinternet.com @juliesgarden
Yes its looking very flowery and pretty at the mo Mich & Rachel @rachelbrooks @mich