Olea europaea
Olive Tree
Mid Spring 2020
- 24
Mid Autumn 2019
- 26
Mid Spring 2017
- 9
Mid Autumn 2016
- 1
Early Autumn 2016
- 2

Olea europaea
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Autumn 2019

I’m picking some olives to make pickled olives this year, but the rest will become olive oil. #olivetree #olives

Yes, olive oil is a big part of the food culture here. So most people would rather grow their own. Plus it tastes so much better than store bought 💚 @gjones

How fabulous to be able to make your own 😍😍

Yes Jane, it tastes more special 😋 @pelly

They look wonderful Rula & large too 👍💚

Thank you Jeff. This is my mom’s favourite to make pickles. We have other varieties too 😊 @jeatacake

I never used to like olives when I was younger, but have developed more of a taste for them in my later years!

They are a traditional addition to the breakfast table in Jordan so I got addicted to them from and early age. Now I can tell the difference between different varieties of pickled olives. I hope you find your way to Jordan one day and I get to show you the beauty in everything here. @jeatacake

One day that would be wonderful. It's a part of the world I have never been to. The nearest I have been would be Turkey. Seeing Petra would be reason enough to visit, but such local hospitality would be a huge added attraction 😊

The offer stands whenever you can Jeff. We’d be happy to have you in our humble home. Petra and Wadi Rum are truly wonderful to experience. @jeatacake

That is such a very kind offer Rula. Thank you so much. I have a 4 week trip coming up shortly to the Far East. Next year I should be retiring, so I could have time for a trip to the Middle East too. 😊

That would be great, Jeff. What do you do professionally? @jeatacake
Mid Spring 2017

#olivetree in full #bloom

Oh wow! Absolutely splendid!

Are the flowers fragrant?

WOW is right! So full.

Thank you Uma 😊😊 it's not fragrant but I have another tree for that .. I'll post it soon 😇 @drumadixit

Thank you, Janice 😊😊hopefully we'll get lots of olive oil from it 😇😇@lovestogarden

Nice. I wondered if you pressed. Do you hire or diy?

It's been a few years since we picked the olives ourselves Janice 😅 everyone's busy with work 😄 @lovestogarden

Totally understandable. 😀
Mid Autumn 2016

Finished picking the olives 😄 #evergreen #olivetree
Early Autumn 2016

Almost ready for the picking 😇 fresh #olive oil coming right up 😅

Squeeze them for oil or make olive pickles @gjones 😇
#olivetree #oliveflowers
Sweet little flowers 💛💛💛
Beautiful flowers 😍. Mine has flowered before but nowhere near as good as yours 🙌🏼
Ideally it does Katy but you should see the ground underneath these beautiful trees. It looks like snow from all the tiny flowers 😄 It’s going to lose loads of flowers before we hopefully get to the olives 😊 @gjones
Thank you Jane 💚💛 @pelly
Thank you Lexi 💚💚 It’s an old tree, about 30 years so maybe that’s why 😄 I hope yours does better soon 😊 @lexijane
It could be the different climate hun. thank you ☺️
That as well 😅 They like the drought we have now and I think if they get watered then they will lose their delicate flowers 🌼 @lexijane
I don't think I've ever seen an olive tree in flower before 😊 Does it produce green or black olives? I love green ones, but can only manage 1 or 2 black ones! 💚🖤
Thanks Jeff 😊 Most of our trees produce green olives that turn black with time. The trick is to harvest a good amount before it turns black. And we have different varieties. I love the longish shaped olives more than the rounded ones. They carry more flavor 😋 the green ones are also a favourite in my family too 💚 @jeatacake
#awesome ... Lucky u @sabbanrula 🤗 we rarely find fresh Olives. #zaitun 😋
That is interesting & very much an education Thanks Rula 👍 I always thought they must be 2 different varieties, not green ones eventually becoming black! 💚🖤