Salvia 'Amistad'
Sage 'Amistad'
Early Summer 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2017
- 5
Early Autumn 2016
- 14

Salvia 'Amistad'
Early Summer 2017
Early Spring 2017

Success I took 2 cuttings from this plant end of last year and now have 3 plants and the cuttings have flowers already 👍👍👍😄

Yay well done Jan 👏👏👏

Fantastic Jan! 😀

Great Jan. I had Salvia for the first time last year. It just kept going all summer 👍😊
Well done, I'm a Salvia addict!!
Early Autumn 2016

New plant buy yesterday to replace a small tree that had to be shifted as roots too near septic tank!

Lovely Jan. Coincidence I just posted my salvia 😀

I have just turned on and seen yours Sue great minds @susanhumphrey333 😄 just couldn't resist when I saw them yesterday I have just been looking up how to overwinter them, what have you done with yours?

Nice 👍

Mine are hardy (Mystic Spires) but I think some are half hardy so it depends. Mine are still flowering like mad so I haven't done anything yet. Think I will leave it in its pot but put it in a sheltered spot just in case 😀 yes great minds Jan 😂

Jan, I would take cuttings as a security. I've just taken some and hope they survive the winter fingers cross. more info for you. I would add some good mulch to protect the roots durning it's first winter👍👌 good choice 😎

These are gorgeous Jan😍

Mines in the ground and it's HUGE...!!!! Far too big for where it is !!! Fabulous plant though !!! 😍

Hi Steve thank you for the advise good idea I will take some cuttings tomorrow, I had read up on the rhs site this morning about tender plants and will give it a winter mulch for protection fingers x we will both have a good show next year 👍🏻🤗 @lamaisonbleueoleron

Thank you Dar hoping Big Boy is improving @SikoMa

Hi Ann thats good I won't mind it getting huge I do have alot of space for it thanks for that👍🏻 @Nettle

Thank you Jan. He is much better. I think the cold and rain has helped keep the swelling down too. Thank you for asking.
Salvia taken from cutting of mother plant last year, mother plant hasn't any flowers yet! 🤔 this is mine @rachelbrooks its not far off from colour of yours 🤔 stem is darker! #salviaamistad
Ah thanks Jan 👍🏼 yours is definitely darker than mine - mine has more of a blue tinge to it. The stems are dark green but not as dark as yours. Steve's @lamaisonbleueoleron friend on IG says he thinks it called Blue Enigma and I've googled it and it does look more likely! Who knows? Maybe it'll get a bit darker 🤔 thank you for your help 😘
No probs 😄👍 @rachelbrooks