Salvia 'Amistad'
Early Autumn 2019
Late Summer 2018

I'm a bit late to the #purple party today. Don't have the label for this one - think it's Salvia Amistad - it's been flowering for months.
Definitely late to the party this year but it survived being moved and then grew back after major slug damage so I'm surprised it came to anything! Enjoy your day 🙂
Glad it survived Due, they are such beautiful plants 💜💜
Thanks Jane, it's providing some food for the bees too 🙂. @pelly
Brill! Mine hasn’t done very well this year, although I’ve a few flowers at the moment 😊
Thanks Rachel, I think I need to treat it a bit better this winter and hopefully will get more flowers next year. 🙂 @rachelbrooks
Great, such a lovely plant. I can’t get them through the winter here at all Sue 😕
One of the advantages of living in the deep south! 😄😄 @valjones-hughes
I love this salvia. This year I didn't keep them in check and they are ridiculously huge and they've all flopped over as they're so heavy laden with flowers.
I love this salvia. This year I didn't keep them in check and they are ridiculously huge and they've all flopped over as they're so heavy laden with flowers.
I think the slugs helped me keep this one in check! 😄😄 @hooliejill72
@lilybee the slugs tried mine but the salvia won. I'll put pics up of mine, although I have already cut down the 2 massive 7ft ones as they had taken over.
Ooooh that's a nice one! I love these 😊😊💜💜