Salvia 'Amistad'
Early Winter 2019
Mid Autumn 2018

In love with my #salviaamistad it’s was an abstract scrag of a plant from a bargain basement corner of the garden centre and a total #planthospital find at £2. A couple of months later and it is blooming it’s socks off and definitely #stillgoingstrong 💪🏻💜💪🏻 #beefriendly #beethechange
🧐🤔 Just a little early don’t you think??? Salvia amistad flowering in my garden today! 09-01-2019 🤔 #strange #strangenature #outofseason #salvia #salviaamistad #veryearly #earlybloomer #january #weirdwednesday #weird #mildwinter #earlyflowering #purple #purpleflowers #inmygardentoday #inmygarden #january2019
How do you care for this over the winter and do you cut back?
Hi @Ricki yes I give all the stems a cut back down to about 15cms 👍
Fab when do you do that??
I do mine in November but I would say if you get it done before the new growth starts then it'll be fine 👍 @Ricki