Calluna vulgaris
Late Winter 2024
Late Winter 2018

#snow #wintergarden

That's a great colour, mines are starting to fade a bit now. Is it in the ground?

@jeatacake - That’s a beautiful pic....with soul in it, Jeff! How ya been doing?

That looks so good!

@leno It's in a very large tub but also in a shady spot, which may have delayed it's flowering?

Hi Carla. Cheers 😊 Doing alright thanks. Eyes better now after my last op & off on my jolly holidays next week! How about You? Hope It's a big warmer where you are. @cschulz02

Thanks @pottybird42 Nature has created something, albeit temporary, which I'd have not imagined!

Ah mines is in full sun, I'm going to plant it in the ground soon though so I might find a semi shaded bit. @jeatacake

@jeatacake - Oh no, Jeff, I didn’t know you had surgery on your eyes 👀! I’m definitely glad you are better! You sound bright & cheery. Have a great 👍 time during your holidays. I’ve still got an eye 👁 on your plants. The weather is warmer now, but it has been fairly cold & unpredictable this winter. Plants are drier than they should be & more frost damage. They will be ok, tho. 😻😻

@cschulz02 Thanks Carla. Had first cataract op in November & 2nd one at end of January. I can see better than I can ever remember. It's been like a miracle! Very cold here right now. About-5C tonight & more snow is likely. That there groundhog was right! 😆

Thank you @gjones & @cyndi 😊👍

Thanks Lin 😊 A mini scene never to be exactly duplicated @linfoster
March 2024