I do try new things occasionally veg-wise, but usually stick with things that do well. Space limits what I can try, unless I get an allotment, which I may next year. Runner beans are no.1 & do well every year, regardless of the weather we get in summer @rhododendronmad
Cucumbers are ideal in a shady greenhouse, not so much tomatoes though. Runner beans are quite easy as long as they're not planted out too soon & don't get attacked by slugs & snails while still young 👍 @rhododendronmad
Marrow 25/7/2020
Time to pick it 🙂
Do you grow everything? I know where to get help and advice. 😁 I will definitely be trying more things next year!
I'm letting it grow on to become a full size marrow hopefully @charlotte
I do try new things occasionally veg-wise, but usually stick with things that do well. Space limits what I can try, unless I get an allotment, which I may next year. Runner beans are no.1 & do well every year, regardless of the weather we get in summer @rhododendronmad
I'm definitely trying cucumbers again next year. I might try beans too. What will grow in a greenhouse that doesn't get much sun?
Cucumbers are ideal in a shady greenhouse, not so much tomatoes though. Runner beans are quite easy as long as they're not planted out too soon & don't get attacked by slugs & snails while still young 👍 @rhododendronmad
I grow peppers and aubergines in my greenhouse @rhododendronmad
Do you get a lot of sun in there? @charlotte
I forgot about those. My chillies are doing okay in the greenhouse but the aubergines are constantly under seige from greenfly 😠 @charlotte
I do. But gets hot even when the sun isn't shining @rhododendronmad
I have so many trees blocking out the sun. I'll try though. Thanks @charlotte