Cucurbita Pepo var. Cylindrica
Early Summer 2020
Mid Spring 2020


Wow. That's early. Really impressed.

I germinated them in propagator with grow lights and have spent a lot of time hardening them off before putting them in the ground. I put a cloche over them at night and if it's really cold I wrap them up in fleece too. It's the first year doing it so don't know if the yield is going to be worth it yet but I have enjoyed the challenge @charlotte

You will never be disappointed with courgettes. I put mine outside last week . At least 2 weeks earlier than usual. No frosts forecast so fingers crossed.

These are the courgettes I started in the propagator with lights Elaine, they are really good strong plants much earlier than I usually get @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Wow they look great Vivien and early...👍🏼
What can I make with these Charlotte? @charlotte #gyo
Wow. Great harvest. I'm thinking a chilli 🙂
Great idea for my next harvest, I really fancy that but I am having a beef chilli tonight which is from the freezer after I made a batch a couple of weeks ago. What is your courgette soufflé like? @charlotte
Courgette souffle is delicious. A Hugh Fearnely Whittingstall recipe.
Yours always looks lovely, think I will give that a go 👍 @charlotte
Do. It's so easy. But does create an awful lot of washing up. I seem to use every kitchen utensil in the house!!!
😂😂😂 I cook, hubby washes up, win win 👌 @charlotte
Harrumph. I cook. I wash up . Where have I gone wrong ☹
Oh dear, I have got a diamond👍🏻sorry, that isn't helping 😂