Early Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2019

Cataloguing the progress of my Clematis, second summer in bloom. Do I need to fertilise it to make it bloom more full?

Morning Le, I'm watering mine at least once if not twice a week with tomato feed to promote flowering if that helps @kaigia

Very beautiful! 🙂👍

@jpea thanks, I thought I might need to as I've seen others in my neighbourhood with overflowing flowers.😊

Thank you! @david71 @gardengirlla

Thank you. I'm quite enjoying the lilac colour. 😊 @gjones

Clematis love very rich soil with good drainage. You are supposed to have almost 2 foot of compost/soil underneath it and they badly need airflow threw it. Don't be afraid to prune accordingly. Obviously you can't lift it now but maybe put some manure on top of the roots and use seaweed feed. Hope this helps.

@edelweiss001. Thanks so much for the advice! Actually, I might need to purchase a new clematis as the rabbits severed the main stem since this picture was taken😥. If I do decide to purchase another one, I will certainly dig a deeper hole for it.
Early Summer 2019

My first Clematis flower of the season to celebrate the Solstice. 21 June 2019.

A beautiful start for the summer!
The one branch of the Clematis Jackmanni that survived the rabbits' meal. The other branch got severed at the ground level. 16 July 2020.
I got a clematis it is called the president