Early Summer 2020
- 7
Early Summer 2020
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 9
Early Summer 2019
- 5
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 22
Early Summer 2018
- 13
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 7
Early Summer 2017
- 14
Early Summer 2017
- 12
Late Spring 2017
- 14
Early Summer 2016
- 2
Early Summer 2016
- 5
Early Summer 2016
- 8
Early Summer 2016
- 2
Late Spring 2016
- 5
Mid Spring 2016
- 10

Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

Morning peeps gosh its soggy out there but the rain has helped this lovely open up on my front fence, variety unknown as its been in years. 💜💜💜 have a terrific Tuesday catch up later work calls 😕

Morning Keely, don’t work too hard 🙋♀️

Morning 💜
Early Summer 2019

So many blooms on my front fence from this #clematis 💜💜💜

Bet that looks gorgeous 💜💜

Gorgeous gorgeousness 💜

@gjones this does always flower first I still have others on fence to bloom yet can't remember colour of those though this has been in years very woody at bottom but never fails 💜💜

@pelly really pleased as it fills the foxglove gap 😁😁

@rachelbrooks isn't it every year it never seems to amaze me 😆 thanks hun 😘

Parma violet lilac....💜😘

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom how did you know I was eating parma violets for supper one of my fav sweets 💜💜💜

I love them as well...😋😁
Early Summer 2019

#clematis unknown variety but who cares when it looks lush still loads of buds to open 💜💜💜


Loadsa blooms! Fabulous 💜

@charlotte @rachelbrooks thanks ladies I cut the foxgloves back so I could see them better now 💜😘

@LyndaClack @gjones thank you they have flourished this year I've tried to keep up to watering for a change def paid off 😄
Early Summer 2019

#clematis on front fence 💜💜💜

Gorgeous 💜

@rachelbrooks thanks sweetie couldn't get all blooms in picture its doing great this year but I've kept up to watering it gets very dry where its roots are 💜😘
Early Summer 2019

Boy its a tad windy today bet this ones glad its clinging on well 💜💜💜 #clematis
Early Summer 2019

Still don't know variety of this one but love it 💜💜💜

It's a gorgeous colour Keely 💜💜

@pelly awe thanks Jane I like it too 😊

It’s a lilac one! 😉 and very lovely too 💜

@rachelbrooks it is n its my first ever one I bought but that was back in the days before I took notice of varieties 😲

@gjones awe thank you
Early Summer 2018

This is full of flower on front fence now after fighting back from the beast earlier this year 💓💜💓💜


@LyndaClack @struddles thank you ladies 😘 😘

Gosh. So many flowers.

Beautiful Keely, mines been flowering for months now , best it’s been 💖💖

@charlotte get back to sleep 😂😂 thanks hun can't get it all in pic as there are more to the front of it too 🙆

I am trying to !!!

@juliesgarden this one is def later this year wasn't even sure it would survive as cut it back before beast hit us so it took a right knocking with frost 😮 glad it did though had it years so good strong roots no doubt 👍 thank you 😊

Fab! 👌🏼🌸


Fabulous 💖💖💖

Another beautiful clematis 💜💜💜😘
Early Summer 2018

Amazing what you find hiding behind other blooms Clematis revealed after cutting the lily out and in full bloom. 💜💓💜💓

Nice find...

Morning. What a great find 💜

Lovely find

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @suerichards @pattygardd thank you ladies it's pretty late this year after suffering from the beast but I'm not complaining it's looking lovely now 😄

I wouldn’t mind finding that Keely

@kathy I know it really covers fence so pleased to see it after the beast got it thought it wouldn't pull through but it's a fighter as has it years now and never fails me despite the weather 👌👍😄

What a beautiful thing to find 💜💜💜

@pelly thanks Hun 😘

Lòoks fabulous 👌😍

@gjones loads more blooms on it just hard to get it all in portrait pics 😐 thank you 😄

@jeatacake thank you Jeff much appreciated 😄
Early Summer 2018


Pretty colour 💜

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks you
Late Summer 2017

Love it when some still flower and the others go over 💜💜💜

Oh I do too! Love the funky seed heads ☺️
Mid Summer 2017

#julyblooms 💜💜💜 variety unknown had a long time 🙄

Gorgeous Keely @Keely wonder if there's a word for a crowd of clematis flowers 😂😍😘

@jadojado29 Thank you Suzie this is only a small pic of it its full of flower about 2 metres wide on top of fence hardly any foliage can be seen due to flowers 💜

Great word for this Jason @Jasonsparkes1 Keely @keely you learn something new every day or so they say. You have a Fabulousness Keely 😉😂😘

@Jasonsparkes1 @jadojado29 I'm liking fabulousness 😁💜💜💜

Gorgeous 💜💜💜

@lexijane thanks hun 😘
Early Summer 2017

This is lovely cant get it all in pic about another foot either side 💜💜💜


Stunning Hun 💜💜

They are gorgeous 😍💜💜💜


Absolutely gorgeous

Beautiful Keely. Great, different way to grow it. Do they always grow well this way🤔

Stunning Keely 💜💜💜

Gorgeous Keely 😍

@susanhumphrey333 morning Sue yes its always done well along this fence, I do thread it through as there is support of a plastic net on the fence which helps it too 🙂

@struddles @nessas @SylviaDavies @kvetinka @belindah @daisy-jane @greenfinger14 thank you all 😄

For some reason Keely it looked as if it was growing through a shrub, low down 🙄 and not on a fence at all. I don't have many fences in the right position for clematis left, so would like to try growing them through other plants 👍 Oh and Good Morning. Youre up early as usual 😊
Early Summer 2017

💜💜💜 no idea on variety back in the days never took much notice just went for colours 🤔

Gorgeous colour Keely 😍😍😍

Absolutely gawjus 💜💜💜

@pelly @lexijane thanks ladies my first clematis I ever bought about 10 years ago 😄

It's a cracker what ever it is 😍

Have a few like that but then I also still have a few that I haven't catalogued 🙄 lovely though 👌🏻

Back in the day. You mean BGT? I remember it well. I'd garden away not really stepping back to see or think about what I was doing... 😉😂

That's a beauty 💜 but I'm the same never used to bother with names 😉

Well at least you got the color right 😉😊🤗

@nessas @awomanonabike @pauline33 @purplebird I do now save all my labels to look back on for future also reminds me what I may have lost too 😃

How organized of you. Good job youngling.😉😚🤗

I have a tin full of labels but don't like being reminded of the beauties I no longer have 😢 I'm gradually adding the survivors here then will throw the rest of the labels away 😊
Late Spring 2017

First of the lilac one opening 💜💜💜

Beautiful Keely 💜

@nessas thanks hun 😘

What a lovely colour! 💜

Oh that's pretty 👌💜💜

@Patiorose @pauline33 thanks Karen & Pauline 😄

Lovely colour Keely👍


@jeo @struddles thanks Jane and Lorna its always nice to see something new in the garden to open 😆

Love it, gorgeous colour 💜

@rachelbrooks more opening now too 💜💜💜

👏🏼👏🏼 which one is this Keely?
Early Summer 2016


I just love clematis all varieties xxx

@Debrasmith160661 I have got about 6 in garden loads of buds on some and no idea what a couple of them are so will be excited when they flower a nice surprise this one a couple of days ago was almost pink a bit of sun brought it out and love the liliac, it will change colour again no doubt generally goes lighter 😊

They are super ,I have two in my garden would have more but trying to get a transfer to a smaller house an don't want to plant in the ground xxxx@keeley

Gorgeous colour 💖
Early Summer 2016

Nearly there not quite but now the heavens have opened! 💜💕

Gorgeous photo Keely 👏

Great pick @Keely 🤗

Lovely photo @keely grey and wet here all day 😢☔️😢☔️

Same here @Keely 🌧


That rain may give them the push to be open tomorrow 👍and you've saved them from the cats too @Keely 😀

Just love them Keely 👍🌿😀
Early Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

Just about opened 👌

That's beautiful 😊

Could see that in a wedding bouquet.

Looks amazing 💜💜💜

Love the crinkly petals
Mid Spring 2016

Can anyone tell me which one this is? Its coming back again this year but don't know which it is cant wait to see it bloom again #plantid #identifyplant

Not great at identifying clematis, but it looks lovely 😁

Lovely whatever it's called

Sorry can't help but love the colour

Is it a Nelly Mosa🤔

Pretty!! #clematis #mauve #plantID_clematis

@thomasrat3 thank you, i do like this variety will be checking out other colours 😁👍

#nellymoser #clematis

Possibly sugar sweet blue

@nobby thanks neil i will look it up 💜👌
Afternoon peeps having nothing but trouble trying to get on this app recently so if I'm not responding to your comments please accept my apologies now very frustrating, on the plus side gawjus day n I'm off for my first pub pint this aft pre football drinks cmon Leeds we need this win MOT 💙💛 Clematis blooming lovely too 💜💜💜
Same here Keely, keeps saying no internet when everything else I use is working fine, typed this an hour ago and it wouldn't let me post it then! Hope you enjoyed your afternoon 🍻
Yep same here hun , only just got on from this morning !!
Same here, very frustrating especially when trying to post a picture
@auricula @lilybee @juliesgarden @vec @linfoster still no better this morning but on the plus side my football team are still top of league after winning yesterday and I've got a sore head this morning thank gawd its fridaaay 😂😂
Better than being relegated like my team 😢
morning ,mine seems better at the minute , but well see !! hope your head gets better 😫😘