Plantain Lily
Late Spring 2016
- 3
Mid Spring 2016
- 6
Mid Spring 2016
- 18
Early Spring 2016
- 13
Late Summer 2015
- 5

Late Spring 2016
Mid Spring 2016

Doing well now after repositioning last year

Gorgeous! And no holes yet!

👌🏼 great #foliage

Brilliant Kris, did you use hair to stop slugs and snails ? 😁

@fuschia bit of everything 😊

#hosta #variegated #PestControl #slugs #hair
Mid Spring 2016

Doing very well this year after being near enough eaten last year

@krishnahairdo You need to go to Specsavers like me. I see a sluggy hole right in the middle. Mind you if that's all I wouldn't worry. Good job. 😂

Is that Slug Gone wool pellets that you've put around your hosta Kris ? 🤔

Lovely photo

@mojo yup fingers crossed

😳@angipangi i want my money back 😂

@angipangi you are winding me up i cant see a hole nibbled anywhere got my magnifying glass out 😂

I bought one last year and it was completely gobbled up by slugs😒

@thomasrat3 any sign of it now again? Get some eggshells round it before its to late 😘

#eggshells #slugs #pestcontrol

I am really horrid. I used slug pellets last year and there are lots of empty snail shells. I crushed them and put them round my hosta . Evil me 😈😈

I think it's dead and buried Kris but I'll look in the pot and see if it is resurrected😂😂😂
Early Spring 2016

Let the snail war begin!! 🐌💣🔫hahaha

😂😂😂 🔫🔫☠ @krishnahairdo

@juliesgarden did you see the state of it last year? Have a look what the blighter did to it. Put holly leaves round it for now but i shall be arming myself with defence weapons. !

Ha ha!! It's that time of year, drives me mad 🐌

Remember my fountain @krishnahairdo , I hope we don't have to battle again but I won't hold my breath lol 😂

Oh god yes @juliesgarden. All the rain we are having here to! 😱

I have murdered loads today already! 😈


Sorry if it offends but I resort to blue pellets! It's the only thing that works and I love my hostas

@joanboston i love mine to and its each to their own as far as im concerned. After watching the thrushes smashing the shells on the patio and eating the contents ive decided no slug pellets, dont want to harm wildlife

I'm trying to introduce frogs into my garden apparently there very partial to slugs

Fight the blighters every which way 😂😂
Late Summer 2015

Rescued from in the butterly plants, looks sorry state!😒

It's got life in it and you have rescued it

Hopefully it will be better next year. It did flower by the look of it

Oh dear, it's been completely stripped! Hopefully it will recover over the winter ready for next year.

Certainly hope it recovers @richard.spicer.7906
Flowering, and a cheeky poppy growing left hand side ☺️
Little devil 😂