Living Stones
Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Mid Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Winter 2019
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Mid Winter 2019
- 1
Early Winter 2019
- 5
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2018
- 3

Early Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

3/25/2019 And here's one of the larger #lithops that's a bit bigger than a quarter. He was growing slowly but he's been taking off lately! I'm sure the warmer weather and sun and helping him also.

Yeah when it gets warm and sunny they really take off.
Early Spring 2019

3/25/2019 I'm expecting to need to separate these #lithops in time since they (and the others) appear to be at different stages of growing. Hopefully no more death of lithops in my care.
Early Spring 2019

3/25/2019 I killed my first round of #lithops and definitely learned the lesson of "No really. You'll barely water these things or you'll kill them". Hopefully these do better. So far, these have lasted longer than the first round!
Mid Winter 2019

2/8/2019 This one is doing great! And it looks like it may have twins! Unsure. But I'm pretty excited about it. It's the furthest along of the three full size #lithops that I have.
Mid Winter 2019

2/8/2019 How am I supposed to tell whether or not I should water lithops? Google tells me I should only water them once they shed their old leaves, so this far right one may need to be watered in a month or so... However long it takes for it to shed those old leaves. But the far left one here feels a bit soft but I'm not sure if that's from too much water in the beginning or it needs new water now. Thoughts? My larger living stones don't have me as worried as these mini ones. #lithops
Mid Winter 2019

1/27/2019 This little #lithop is doing the best of the nine originals. It has a little friend coming in! The others are okay ish. I'm worried I overwatered them but I'm ignoring them hoping they recover.
Early Winter 2019

1/5/2019 And then there were six #lithops. The other three shriveled up pretty quickly after having received them so I'm hoping it was the trauma of the shipment versus my killing them. Hopefully these guys survive. I watered them deeply once I planted them but haven't really since. Google tells me I shouldn't need to water them again until the Spring. I'm just not sure how to tell when they need water versus when they don't. Does anyone have a general rule they use for knowing when to water lit


I only have 2, but have had them a few years. I was told full sun, and only water the end of spring and during the summer. It’s hard not to water, but I haven’t killed them.

Thanks! That's what I ended up finding. So I'm just going to try hot to water them. Some are super firm so I'm not worried about those. It's the mildly soft ones. Unsure if they're soft because they need water or soft because they're on their way to die from root rot. I'm not watering them, for now. At least we've gotten a "heat wave" so I'm able to leave them outside for more direct sun.

@cpl721 ⬆️
Late Autumn 2018

12/8/2018 Decided to listen to advice and keep the #lithops in their own pot, but wanted to give them a teeny bit more space. I decided to also have fun with their orientation.
Late Autumn 2018

12/3/2018 My first set of #lithops and they're so cute! I'm giving them a week to adjust after shipment but I think I'll re-pot them with some cacti and a succulent once I manage to get some sand. The look like little baby bottoms. How are these not called mini bums?

@KelsiBriana Thanks for the heads up! I ended up finding my cacti which were noted as needing minimal to no water and was planning on planting those with these. That should be okay, right? Or probably still better to keep them by themselves? I have noticed most people seem to have them by themselves.

@KelsiBriana Alrighty. Noted! Thanks for the heads up! I have a couple cacti which were noted as needing minimal water but sounds like either way, I should keep the lithops separate. Thank you!
3/25/2019 My #lithops are producing twins! Or is it quadruplets? I'm going with twins since I think one plant is becoming two new ones. It's growing a bit slowly but it's working on it!