Calluna vulgaris
Common Heather
Early Winter 2024
- 7
Mid Winter 2021
- 16
Mid Winter 2020
- 15
Late Autumn 2018
- 5

Calluna vulgaris
Early Winter 2024
Mid Winter 2021

Hopefully a splash of pink will give me some #mondaymotivation 💕. Enjoy your day everyone 🙂

Oh isn't that pretty 💗💗💗

Ooooooo pink 💗😂

Beautiful colour 💗

Beautiful 💞

Thanks Jane, one of the few things brightening up the garden at the moment. 🙂 @pelly

Thought you'd like this one! @juliesgarden

Thanks Mark, it's certainly brightening up the garden! @solly1961

Thank you Elaine, I need a bit of beauty in the garden as it's mainly a mudfest! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom


Ooh lovely! 💖💖💖

Thanks very much Ange 🙂 @anges
Mid Winter 2020

#pink Enjoy the calm today before the storm tomorrow 🌬🌬🌬

Great photo 💕


Beautiful 💕💕💕

So pretty up close, like tiny pink bells 💕

Thank you Sue 🙂 @suerichards

Thanks Julie 😊 @juliesgarden

Thanks Jane, it's been flowering for ages 🙂 @pelly

Thanks Rachel, amazing how pretty some plants are close up 🙂 @rachelbrooks

They’re the prettiest little things 💕

They're so pretty, lovely photo Sue 💕💕💕

Thanks Maggie 🙂 @dirtgirlworld
Late Autumn 2018

Morning everyone, such pretty little flowers on this heather. Volunteering day at Hillier Gardens today, think I'm going to get wet later! Enjoy your day.

Pretty as a picture 🌸🌸 I hope you don’t get too wet ☔️☔️

That's lovely Sue 💟💗 Have a good day 😀

Pretty 💕 have fun!

Hi folks, hope the new year has started well for you. Garden is a clay squelchfest but this little Heather doesn't seem to mind and reliably comes back year after year 💕
Hi Sue , may gardens the same 🙄🤣
That's pretty
Beautiful 🤩
Thanks everyone @juliesgarden @charlotte @debs69
#BestOfJanuary #Heather
I love Heather and yours is lovely 🩷🩷🩷💜💜