Quercus robur syn. Quercus pedunculata
English Oak
Early Spring 2022
- 11
Late Autumn 2021
- 13
Mid Autumn 2020
- 16
Early Spring 2020
- 12
Late Autumn 2019
- 3

Quercus robur syn. Quercus pedunculata
Early Spring 2022
Late Autumn 2021

Morning folks, the oak looked lovely in the late afternoon sunshine, still a few bags of leaves on it though! 🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂

Having seen the weather forecast for the weekend don't think there will be many leaves left on it by Monday!!!

Majestic 🌳

My hubby has been helping with leaf clearing so I'll have to come up with some more jobs for him next week then! @charlotte

Thanks Elise, I love it despite all the leaves @Auricula

Magnificent trees 🌳 I've just been sweeping up oak leaves in the front garden - they're off my dad's tree, next door but two!! 🙄😆
Hi Sue our oak is still green I reckon it will be late December before it starts dropping it’s leaves😂

Do you take his leaves back to him Ange? 😆 @anges

You've got that to look forward to then Ann! @anl

Looks like it’s glowing 🤩😍

Thanks Kerry, it was glowing but it never quite shows up in the pics does it! @kez001uk

@lilybee a photo never truly captures it. Guess that’s what makes it even more special ☺️
Mid Autumn 2020

#foliagefriday The oak tree in my garden with the sun behind it this morning. Think I've raked up two thirds of the leaves and so another third to go! Enjoy your day 🍂🍂🍂

Morning Sue, I raked leaves for 3 hours yesterday! (In between playing with the dog) 🙄😀 Might plant a few bulbs later. Have a lovely day 🍁🌳🍁
@lilybee Hi Sue ours are still green so when you have finished you are welcome to come and have some more😂will be December before they start to turn and then they all drop in about a week 😊

It's great exercise Ange, I'm sure Nell helped a lot 😄😄. Sunny here today and planning to do some more bulbs this pm 🌷🌷🌷 @anges

Whereabouts are you Ann? This tree is south facing so turns quite quickly, there's one on green space at the front of us that's north facing and it's still green. Not sure I could cope with them all coming down in one week! @anl
We are Nottingham on the river Trent so not such extreme weather and the garden is East facing the Oak only ever seems to be out of leaf from mid December to beginning of April if the spring is warm 😊The Ash is a lot later but it seems that in the last 50 years the Oak has only been beaten a few times according to Nature’s Calendar website@lilybee

Fabulous.. I’ve got a huge silver birch to rake up !

You're lucky to have an Ash too Ann, that's the one that's suffering dieback at the moment isn't it. @anl

Look forward to seeing some pics of the Birch, love those as well as oak 💚 @juliesgarden

Amazing Oak 💛💛🧡


Thanks Chris 🙂 @midnightgardener
Early Spring 2020

Happy Friday everyone. This is our Oak tree with its summer clothes on 🌳🌳🌳 #foliagefriday

That’s a big tree- you must have massive garden

I would say we had a relatively small garden with a massive tree in! It's got a TPO on it so we have to work with it. Now that it's got leaves on, it blocks the sun from a large part of the garden from around 10 till gone 2. @sharonhayden

Morning Sue, have a lovely day 🙋

Been pouring with rain all morning Jane but we need it as hasn't rained for 4 weeks and now I have absolutely no excuse not to spring clean the lounge! 😄 @pelly

Beautiful Oak 😊😊💚💚

Wonderful 🌳

I wish it would rain here 😢 I started my lounge on Tuesday. I got as far as cleaning the leather suite 🙄😂😂

Thanks Christine, I love it as it is host to so much wildlife, just wish we had a bigger garden so it didn't dominate the space so much 🙂 @midnightgardener

Thanks Julie, it's wonderful now, not so wonderful when there are a million leaves to rake up in the Autumn! 😄 @juliesgarden

Just finished Jane, sitting with a cup of tea admiring my hard work! 😄 @pelly

@lilybee Sounds like I could house it well with all the space I've got 💕💕
Late Autumn 2019

#treemendous I braved the rain Barbara to take a picture of our oak! 🌧📷🌳 @jacaranda

Looking lovely, Sue! Our neighbour’s oak tree still has loads of leaves on it, most of which will end up in our garden 😢🍃😢🍃😢🍃

I'm very good, I do share some of our leaves with my neighbour 😀😀, although it does feel like I've raked more than normal this year so maybe they've all fallen our side! @jacaranda
#green A zoomed out pic so you can see our Oak in full, with the sun behind. Hope the weather is fabulous where you are, enjoy your weekend 🌳🌳🌳
Are you lying on the floor to take that. Need help 🤔
Beautiful shape 🌳
Great picture!
Thanks ladies, I was kneeling on the patio Charlotte, just about managed to get up ok! 😆 @charlotte @Auricula @KariSamuel
Beautiful tree 🌳
Fantastic Sue , my silver birch looks good in the sun too 💚💚
Beautiful ❤
Wow fabulous pic 😁
Thanks everyone, I always love it when the leaves come out, though I'll be cursing it in Autumn when they all come down! @debs69 @juliesgarden @anges @vegandmore
Terrific photo!