Living Stones
Early Autumn 2021
- 7
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 6
Late Winter 2019
- 9
Early Spring 2018
- 1

Early Autumn 2021
Early Spring 2019

Sheading there outer leaves some more split than others. My fourth on hasn't started to split yet #succulentsunday #lithop
Late Winter 2019

Splits really coming along now on one and just starting on the other. #succulentsunday

They're looking nice #lithops

Thank you @jyotu I've had them just under year and i love them. I never thought about house plants until about a year ago and now they are starting to take over parts of my house.

I love them and I searched it in our locality but they're not available here

@jyotu You might want to talk to @sushiwaitress she is massively into lithops and knows where you can source seeds. They are fascinating plants.

I know she's more than amazing. I think she has only various types lithops.
Late Winter 2019

Potted these living stones and one split rock up yesterday. Thank you for the advice @sushiwaitress #succulentsunday #houseplant

Looking #beautiful

Thank you @jyotu

I'm gonna have to get me some of that vaxer #pumice -- it looks perfect for #lithops! #pleiospilos-nellii

It's a good price too or at least is in the UK @sushiwaitress

Great looking plants, clearly you got great advice from #sushiwaitress #succulantsunday😊

I did @kylers it would have taken me alot of research with out it. 😊

That's why this site is so great, so many knowledgable people that don't mind helping out. Happy growing 😊

Yes it is. Thank you @kylers
Early Spring 2018

3 different living stones. Lithops karasmontana bella, lithops fulvceps 'Aurea' and lithops fulvceps C266 broght at #rhscardiff #succulentsunday
Sadly I lost 2 this summer hopefully the remaining 2 are happy. They do at least seem to be flowering. #succulentsunday
Morning Lydia, these always amaze me 🌼🌼🌼
Morning @anges me to their fascinating.
Fascinating plants
I find them fascinating too @vegandmore Mine had babies then they all died!
I lost 2 of them this year @joanboston
Oh @joanboston there must be a certain technique 🤔