Living Stones
Late Autumn 2023
- 6
Early Spring 2021
- 2
Late Winter 2021
- 2
Late Winter 2021
- 6
Late Winter 2021
- 2
Mid Winter 2021
- 4
Mid Winter 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 2
Late Autumn 2021
- 2
Late Autumn 2021
- 4
Late Autumn 2021
- 5
Mid Autumn 2021
- 14
Mid Autumn 2021
- 1
Early Autumn 2021
- 3
Early Autumn 2021
- 2
Early Autumn 2021
- 3
Late Summer 2021
- 3
Mid Summer 2021
- 4
Early Summer 2020
- 2
Early Summer 2020
- 3
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 2
Early Summer 2020
- 2

Late Autumn 2023
Early Spring 2021

All my baby #lithops had their first split now, and showing their colours. For a mixed batch they look pretty similar. #livingstones

Cute little butts💕🌞
Late Winter 2021

Can you see the #doublelithops now? And the colours are just awesome. Reminds me of tigers stripes the new ones anyways. #livingstones #lithops #lithopssplitting

Yay! Twins!😊🌞
Late Winter 2021

The #thops collection. #livingstones #lithops #readytodie #splitting

#notreadytodie 😂🌞

What’s the name of the white one on the left? 🌞

It's a pseudotruncatella subs. volkii c069. It's the best colour. @sunlovin and I love your hashtag lol.

It such a cool white color I’ve seen them with other colors intermingled. So beautiful. I just had a disaster, a squirrel chewed the tops on a bunch of mine😭😡

Oh no @sunlovin that's the worst. One of mine got stole by an animal and then they lived under a cage for the next few months. Lol
Late Winter 2021

I can't get it in the photos but I'm 90% sure there is twins is there. This and tulips made my day. It's the little things in lockdown. Lol #lithops #livingstones #lithopsspliting #neverwaterme #twins

Yay! So happy to see that! 😊🌞
Mid Winter 2021

So happy the first one looks to be splitting also. The top has been soft for weeks and I was worried it was dying a slow death, nope it's just splitting. And progress of the other one. #lithops #livingstone #succulent #swipeforprogress

I think they look fabulous!

Thanks @kaigia I do love them, though sometimes their slow growth frustrates me. I'm excited to see some movement.

You're doing a good job! I killed mine from over loving it, or should I say overwatering 😅🤣😂
Mid Winter 2021

The babies, two have come through their first split. One has it's top hanging on. Wish the other 3 would do their thang. #lithops #lithopseedlings #livingstones
Early Winter 2021

Nearly free little one, on track to get out by spring. Lol #lithops #splitting-lithops

Beautiful 🌞
Late Autumn 2021

So happy, this happened a couple days ago wasn't sure if it was splitting or overwatered since I left it outside but I'm pretty sure I see some leaves in there. #lithops #livingstones

Late Autumn 2021

My babies first split. Finally. It's taken 6 months, the splitting one used to have a green one next to it but it passed last week, also another one looking weird so down to 5 maybe but still. #seedgrown #lithops #firstsplit #succulent #lithopssplitting

Too bad about your loss. Mine split at 4 months, still have 4. 🌞

Well I thought it and I paid 3 dollar's for the seeds and a lithops alone here is around 6-10 dollar's so even if I get one I'm doing OK. :)

That was my reasoning too 😁🌞
Late Autumn 2021

Splitting go little one go. So happy something is happening. I feel like my others do nothing ever. I know patience is a virtue. #lithops #lithopsspliting #succulent

looking good have you ever had one flowering

No I haven't. None of mine have ever done anything except this one. Lol and that's because he came splitting. I know they're alive though cause the roots are coming out the bottom of pot more and more.

Someone told me they need to be at least 3 years to flower and even then can take up until they're 5 years old and they still don't flower every year.

@nojo920 ⬆️
Mid Autumn 2021

The lithops collection except the seedlings. My favourite is the splitting orange one bottom left. Just love the colour. The ones with blue have actual names and Cole numbers. Theyre here enjoying the rare sun these days and a bit of a water, except splitting guy. #lithops #livingstones #succulent

Wow, you have a nice collection👍

Thank you, I've had 5 since Dec and the rest are maybe 1 month old. I wanted to see if I'd kill them all first. Lol but they've gotten bigger and I can see roots at the bottom of some pots. Not sure if I should repot now or just wait till spring?

I've never had one. Hopefully someone that knows about them can help👍 @KariSamuel @sunlovin @Dragon_Warrior

@crabby58 @mandajayne Unfortunately, I'm not the one to ask 😔 Mine died 🥺

Maybe @columbiariver or @savannahssucculentgarden

Let's add a few others too... I have drown mine! @crabby58 @Dragon_Warrior 😫

@sarahssassysucculents @Stephydontdoit @succulentsplants

The pots only need to be 4” deep. I can’t tell from the photos how deep they are but I think they’re fine in the pots now and no repotting needed. They look great!😊🌞

Thanks a bunch, for helping😊sorry to hear yours didn't make it @KariSamuel @Dragon_Warrior

Thanks everyone. Love how everyone is so helpful.

I think the smaller pots are just under 4". Maybe 3.5 so I'll leave them till spring if they live that long. :)
Mid Autumn 2021

My splitting fella got caught in the rain and puffed back up, the leaves were wrinkled before, on plus side looking at the previous photo its coming!!!. #lithops #livingstones #lithopssplitting #swipeforprogress
Early Autumn 2021

New lithops to the house, it's a great orange kind of colour, but it's splitting so hope I don't kill it. I know you're not to water while splitting but it looks like the last person did as the outer leaves are quite juicy still lol #lithops #livingstone #newaddition #lithopssplitting

I wouldn’t worry, many of mine look like that when they start splitting and they turn out fine. Love the spots! 🌞

Oh good, I've only ever had another thats splitting and some animal stole it about a week after i got it, so now all my lithops sit under a cage. Lol
Early Autumn 2021

The other adult thops. Have had a good soaking now the night temps below 20c and seems to have come back a bit as they were a little wrinkly previously. #lithops #livingstones #succulents

I like the polka dot one, I don’t have any of those. 🌞
Early Autumn 2021

Baby lithops still kicking. Not sure how many I had last time, have 8 left from 20, they were sown in early dec which was the wrong time but they're alive. One has white spots that resemble mould or something but it's solid so who knows. #lithops #seedgrown #8left

Looking good what’s left. I’ll be transferring mine to the garden soon. 🌞

They still on my window sill, maybe they need more sun for growing. I have some more seeds I was thinking ill get going now it's the correct time and all. Lol
Late Summer 2021

Baby lithops. Just sitting around as lithops do. Looking forward to splitting of first leaves in 10 years time. I know it doesnt take that long but kinda feels like it. #babylithops #lithops #livingstones #seedgrown

I think they first split at 4 months.

I did them early Dec I think so maybe 1-2 more months.
Mid Summer 2021

Baby lithops progression. They just sit in my window. There are 10 nice ones left from 20 seeds. Don't like the chances of getting to adulthood but fingers crossed. #lithops #germination

Super cute! 🤩

I think they look good? 🤔 Ten ain’t bad? If they make it your still ahead. Lol. 🌞💚

I had 13 a couple weeks ago but 3 have past. I have taken my watering down a bit I think I was overdoing it. Yours are looking very healthy though. :) nice and fat. Lol
Early Summer 2020

My baby lithops, extra algae. Lol wrong time of year completely to attempt to sow but I don't care I got babies. Lol only 20 and about 11 cracked.

Eleven is good!👍🌞
Early Summer 2020

Attacked by a bird about a month ago. :( #lithops #birdattack

Don’t worry mine did too outside and the next new leaves looked great🌞

This looks like the pink and blue one I have. 🌞
Early Summer 2020

#lithops #livingstone
Early Summer 2020

#brown #succulent

Early Summer 2020


#lithops #terracotta
One of only a couple #lithops I have left. I put them out in the sun one morning, it wasn't very hot bit they hadn't been having much sun and in one morning I wiped out my entire collection. I was devastated.
I’ve never had one of these but been thinking about trying. Are they fuzzy with weather conditions?
They just have very particular watering requirements and sun too. Lol as long as your nights get under a particular temp during autumn and spring, i think maybe like 18 maybe, they should be OK. They are hard to grow if you live in tropical areas @CatsSuccentGarden
Hmmm 🤔, maybe give it more time to decide 😂. Thanks for the tips!
Once you get the watering down they're pretty easy. They don't do much but when they do its very exciting. Hahaha @CatsSuccentGarden