Mangifera indica
- Mid Winter 2021
- 3
- 1
- Late Autumn 2021
- 4
- 1
- Late Autumn 2021
- 12
- 1
- Early Autumn 2021
- 4
- 1
Mangifera indica
- Mid Winter 2021
- 3
- Late Autumn 2021
- 4
Poor marty mango has put his little leaves up. Yellow I'm sure is not a good colour for seedlings but considering how rotted his seed was, he's a survivor, he's not gunna give up, hes not gunna stop, he's gunna work harder.... #mangoseedling #gyo #survivor #martymango
- Late Autumn 2021
- 12
MARTY MANGO IS ALIVE!!! lol had to dig down like 5cm of dirt but there's a sprout. Lol plants are crazy. #martymango #mangosprout
- Early Autumn 2021
- 4
Meet Marty mango. He was has had a hard start to life chucked in the bottom of tomatoes still in husk, I found it, opened the husk, placed in wet paper towell. It actually started to grow, half was rotten and half was growing so whether hell actually pop its head out is an unknown mystery. #mangoseedling #martymango #willhelive
Oh poor marty #mango. His yellow leaves came off, think he got some light frost, so I took him inside, and he's a nice green now with a new leaf. Absolutely being overran by gnats. Loads of DE that makes it look like a winter wonderland now lol #martymango #mangoseedling #gyo #seedgrown #diegnatsdie