Citrus limon syn. Citrus x limonia
Late Summer 2018
Early Spring 2017

Mi limonero, crecido de semilla. Tiene tres años y hace poco pensé que se estaba muriendo, pero hace unas semanas le nacieron muchas hojas nuevas! / My lemon tree, grown by seed. It' three years old and not long ago I thought it was dying, but a couple of weeks ago I noticed a bunch of new leaves! #lemontree #lemon #limón

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I've always wanted to grow one from seed

@carolgs give it a try!! It's amazing to see it grow and it's not that difficult 💚
The lovely roots from my lemontree grown from a seed 😍
Wow, grown from seed? Good job!!! How old is that tree now?
@sushiwaitress almost three years!
@gjones it's amazing to see it grow, good luck with yours!!!