Tulipa 'Purple Flag'
Early Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2018

These Tulips are one of my favourite that I planted. They last very well and although I took this picture a while ago, they still look good. I could have planted them better yes, and come next Spring I will plant better. It's all a learning curve but a curve I very much like to be on 😊😊💜💜💜💜

Love them! They look very similar to the ones I have this year triumph tulips ' Attila'. Really happy with them too. Sturdy stems, don't flop during rain or wind and barely touched by slugs/snails (although I did put slug pellets down when they first sprouted). Next year I'm going to have a dark purple and soft apricot combo 😊

@ublaszko How nice of you to comment I appreciate that 😊yes when you mention flops, I've got some of those!!😃some bendy ones as well. Your colour combo sounds nice. I'll have to have a think for next year. The double late Abba red (also posted on here) were super and big when they bloomed. They're bendy ones, probably 'top heavy' I do love Tulips and I think more than Daffodils 😊😊

It's so frustrating when they flop! My garden gets sun from one side so last year they were all bending towards the sun 😂😁 Now I'm avoiding double tulips and those that grow taller than 45 cm. Triumph tulips fit the bill and I'm really happy with them. I like miniature daffs more than regular ones ☺

@ublaszko I'll look out for Truiumph Tulips. I had some cute mini daffs on my rockery and Iris too. The Iris looked really nice but only lasted about 2 weeks. I probably won't buy those again. The possibilites will be endless with my greenhouse I can't wait to get started 😊😊

I had those dwarf irises and I'm in love with them. Can't beat them for early spring colour 💜💙 They normally last about a month here in the North East but this year everything was late so they were only around for 3 weeks. I planted mine with crocuses so the crocs were still in flower even after dwarf irises finished their thing.
I love this photo. I think I'm improving!! Using different angles is a great idea 😊😊💜💜💜💜
Wonderful colour 😍 So rich & sumptuous 💜💜💜
@jeatacake I am honoured Professor. I'm very pleased with them. I planted 2 or 3 new one's, Flaming Parrot and some white/ivory ones I'm looking forward to seeing them. I've done ok to say I was late placing them 😊😊💜💜
Well I've seen a few (million) recently & these are as good as any 💜💜💜👍👍👍
@jeatacake 😊😊Tiptoe through the Tulips through the Tulips da da da da da!! 😃Good 'ol Tiny Tim 💜💜
He'd have loved Keukenhof, but I think they'd have worn him out! 😁🥀🌷