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Profile Image Naomi Hare


Hello all from here in the Scottish Borders - Kelso - started of years ago on here in Edinburgh - Total luddite can’t spell for toffee 😊🤣 enjoyall.

Hosta undulata var. albomarginata syn. Hosta 'Thomas Hogg'

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2016
  • Like Count 27

My lovely Hosta I salvaged when it fell off the moving lorry( going to still hold a grudge for that one 😂) in January, ☃ on a very snowy day managed to find the roots in the debris 😁non worst for where and potted up in situe 😘 enjoy Iv but it on an old copper pot inside an old log bin 😜 hope the slugs get sapped 😜
