Hosta undulata var. albomarginata syn. Hosta 'Thomas Hogg'
Plantain Lily (Species) White Margined Wavy Plantain Lily
Mid Spring 2016
- 12

Hosta undulata var. albomarginata syn. Hosta 'Thomas Hogg'
Mid Spring 2016
They wouldn't dare eat my hosta now - or would they🤔
Mine havent been touched always use coffee granules but start with the granules before they even appear 😁
Best of luck @thomasrat3 let us no how it goes 🤔
@thomasrat3 good luck hope it is as successful for you as it was when I tried it 😆
#hosta #CopperTape #CoffeeGrounds #Eggshells #SlugPellets #slugs #PestControl
Best of luck Ann I put wool slug pellets around all of my hostas that are in the garden and they've still got through! 😖😤🐌
You missed out #green. @brightcolours
@mojo I have added Dilly's hair round the plant to add to the mix, it'll be like breaking in to Colditz😂😂😂
They wouldn't dare 😂😂 according to the news they out in bucket loads 😡🐌