Hosta undulata var. albomarginata syn. Hosta 'Thomas Hogg'
Plantain Lily (Species) White Margined Wavy Plantain Lily
Mid Spring 2016
- 15

Hosta undulata var. albomarginata syn. Hosta 'Thomas Hogg'
Mid Spring 2016
Thought the slugs had devoured my hosta last year but they must have missed the root because it's sprung up again - but the little b------s have nearly ate one leaf even though I surrounded it with slug pellets😫
Every year I am optimistic and every year my hosta gets devoured.
@charlotte We'll beat them! I read somewhere that they don't like hair so cut a lock off and try it😂
Not heard that one before. Will try anything !!
Was it in a full continuous circle around the hosts? #slugs #PestControl #hair
Could also be vine weevil they like hostas i've treated mine but think still got some as mine have had a nibble too grrr😈😈😈
Coffee grinds and eggshells Ann , all mine are perfect so far #advice
Thanks Julie @juliesgarden I'll also try coffee grounds🤔 I'll also look into vine weevil thanks Keely @Keely 🤔
@thomasrat3 if your hosta is in a pot I would put copper tape around the top to stop the slugs it really does work #advice
I've used copper tape, wool slug pellets, egg shells and salt to try and beat them, somehow I don't think I'm going to win! Not tried the coffee grounds though thanks for the advice @juliesgarden
@katgreen Gotta get some copper tape then Kathryn 😀
@thomasrat3 they are very clever though, caught one climbing up my obelisk to avoid slug defence round my sweetpeas, think he was going to jump into middle and try from there 😀😁😂😃