Monstera deliciosa
Swiss Cheese Plant
Early Winter 2021
- 3
Early Spring 2020
- 3
Late Winter 2019
- 9

Monstera deliciosa
Early Winter 2021
Early Spring 2020

My little monster is getting bigger #monstera #monstera-deliciosa #indoor-plants #happyplant #philodendron #splitleafmonstera #pottedplants #windowplant #iloveplants #i❤️ #swisscheeseplant

Pretty plant! I need some indoors. I hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy! 😘💕😊

Thank you laney , hope you and your fam bam are doin great , stay safe ❤️
Late Winter 2019

My baby’s 1st kind of split leaf 😍😂 #monsteradeliciosa #philodendron-splitleaf #green

Yea, very cool!😍

Very nice. Is your monstera indoor or outdoor?

@cpl721 thanks😊🌱

@nikkicasas I have this baby is indoors next to a window 🌱 she likes it, I just have to turn in around every once in a while

Ok she's looking very happy

@nikkicasas yes I’m glad, I recently repotted and so far she’s liking it ❤️

Mine is not looking well at all. It used to be really pretty. My cat picks after her constantly. Now she looks raggedy. I want to repot, and prune. Any suggestions?

@sschiess im sorry your plant is not doing so well , it could be different scenarios such as lighting, watering, soil , Monsteras love the light but avoid direct sun exposure , You want to keep the soil moist but never soggy I usually water mine every other week , Maybe repotting is not a bad Idea if you haven’t done it in a while you should definitely go for it , as for your little furry friend maybe a high base would do the trick⭐️ do you have a picture of your plant maybe you can share
This new leaf on my #monstera gives me life💚 #monsteradeliciosa #happyplant #swisscheeseplant #indoorplants #growlight
Peek~a~Boo.. ..I see you😅 fabulous plant👍
@crabby58 😂😂, Thanks