Ficus lyrata
Early Summer 2017
Early Spring 2017

(Acquired 07 April 2017; PhP600; Laguna) About 4 feet tall. #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsCactus #PHGardenTagsFiddleLeafFig #PHGardenTagsFicus

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Notes: Water twice a week in the morning, sometimes also in the afternoon. 4/2017 By east-facing window.

Notes: Requires bright indirect light (directly in front of east-facing window, or within 1-3 feet of a west-facing window, or within 5 feet of a south-facing window). Turn frequently to keep it growing straight. Allow top 50% of soil to dry out and leaves become soft and flexible before watering. Keep water off leaves. Spray every other week with warm soapy water to ward off plant pests. Likes being root bound in small pots. Trim the roots to limit height. Poisonous. Sap especially irritating.

#fiddleleaffig #ficus #ficuslyrata #indoorplants


wow. i have been trying to find this one here. lol. lucky you! i am jealous. 😂😂😂😂😂

Hi Ayesha @ayeshamiamia. I got it in Nuvali. There's still about two more left there 😊 But if you're up north, the Cainta Plant Nursery said they will have young ones available around June/July. Only 1-2 feet though.
02 July 2017 What a happy 3rd "monthsary" gift from my fiddle leaf: new leaves! After three months with me. 😊 #fiddleleaf #fiddleleaffig #ficus #ficuslyrata #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsFicus #PHGardenTagsFiddleLeafFig
where did you find that here in the philippines? i am so jealous. ahaha 😂
Hey Ayesha @ayeshamiamia! I sent this comment to you 10 weeks ago: Hi Ayesha @ayeshamiamia. I got it in Nuvali. There's still about two more left there 😊 But if you're up north [east, I mean], the Cainta Plant Nursery said they will have young ones available around June/July. Only 1-2 feet though. [I also heard someone got one at the QC Memorial Circle.]
where are you located @newjeanius Jean? lol. idk where Nuvali is. oh wow, will definitely go visit the Cainta Pant Nursery when I visit manila. thank you! been looking for this specific ficus for months now as i am trying to build up my collection. 😂 really lucky you!
I'm in Silang, Cavite Ayesha @ayeshamiamia . Nuvali is in Sta. Rosa, Laguna 😊 Good luck with your plant hunting!
woah, ok. was in tagaytay a few weeks ago. had a training that we did over there for work. thank you! and good luck too with your planting @newjeanius 😊