Hyacinthoides non-scripta
English Bluebell
- Early Spring 2020
- 23
- 3
- Early Spring 2020
- 16
- 4
- Mid Spring 2017
- 16
- 7
Hyacinthoides non-scripta
- Early Spring 2020
- 23
- Early Spring 2020
- 16
But are these English Bluebells? I have many brutish Spanish bluebells? An expert opinion would be very welcome! #advice #help
They look like they're flowering on just one side of the stem? If so, they'll be English ones. Although there are many Spanish/English hybrids out in the wild as well as in gardens these days.
I'd also say they look like English bluebells. 💜💙 The ones in the background are Spanish ones though.
- Mid Spring 2017
- 16
#idplease Is this the English variety. Thought I only had Spanish!
Could be...the flowers look quite narrow. Check the pollen inside, if it's creamy white then they're English, if it's blue they're Spanish 👍🏼
Or...they could be a Hybrid!!
@rachelbrooks The pollen is creamy white, other plants with larger flowers on both sides of stem have pale blue pollen. Delighted, thank you, Mike
Spanish also straight up and English curl over mike 😂
@tash74 left half is the probable English Bluebell, right nearby stripy clear hybrid. Pollen difference obvious, but I cannot detect a perfume. Thanks for your help.
Or is the pollen different on enlargement? Stamens different colours!
Colour has come out somewhat false with phone photos.