Monstera deliciosa
Swiss Cheese Plant
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 4
Late Winter 2018
- 5

Monstera deliciosa
Late Summer 2019
Mid Spring 2018

So beautiful. Can't help it.

Fab pic🌿💚
Mid Spring 2018

Excited about my first new leaf unfurling from a monstera cutting I took about 6 months ago. (Also pictured, baby pilea)

@KelsiBriana 😘



Early Spring 2018

Absolutely delighted to see this new leaf peeking out from cutting I took from my inlaws' massive garden. However, there is this weird brown substance that keeps turning up in spots on the underside of the mature leaves. I've wiped the brown powdery stuff off twice and it keeps coming back. If I cut off the old infected leaves after the new leaves grow, will the plant be ok? #monstera #monstera-propagation

Looks a bit like frangipani rust
Late Winter 2018

Lovely pic...especially the model😉😁👏

Cutest fish ever!

💚 #bestof2018 #pets #cat #fish #indoor #planter

Late Winter 2018

Finally potted up my monstera cuttings. After sitting in water rooting over the last 3 months or so, am hoping these babies take well to the soil... #monstera #monsteramonday #monsteradeliciosa

I just cut a mature one yesterday. I thought I might propagate the stem where there’s an aerial root. I had to use axe as saw got pinched. Stem is prob 50cm diameter. All to sell in my nursery opening when I have enough stock. Verbena St Nursery.

@Sussanah cool! I have a big one too that I cut from a massive branch growing into (and destroying) a friend's fence. I had to use a saw too! Monstera sure did earn that name eh? 😅

@PossumPatrol too right mate

Doing so well. The first leaf that I propagated from had some kind of rusty mold disease so I cut it off once the first new leaf grew. And now it has 3 new leaves. So proud of this little baby.