Aloe Striatula
Early Autumn 2016
Late Summer 2016

This aloe got so sad look with brownish color. We thought direct sun was causing it, so moved to a shady area. But it got more brownish and worse. Any idea?

In my experience with them you have a sunburned aloe, over watered, or under watered plant. If it's sunburned, it won't turn green right away. You would need to keep it out of direct sunlight for a bit. And if it is sunburned, it may need more water than usual. Make sure that the soil drains well so it doesn't rot, but don't let the soil get too dry either. It may be getting too big for the container, too. Do you live where it would possibly do better in the ground?
We determined that brownish color came from sunburn. We cut off brownish leaves and wait to see how it goes.