Aloe Striatula
Hardy Aloe
Early Summer 2021
- 7
Early Summer 2021
- 2
Late Spring 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Mid Winter 2018
- 13

Aloe Striatula
Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2021
Late Spring 2021

After 2 years in the ground, I do believe that I have a flower coming on #aloe-striatula and I’m chuffed to bits 👏👏👏

@richard.spicer.7906 Think you got one not long after me. How’s yours doing ?

Do you leave it outside?

Yes this is tough as old boots. Doesn’t suffer any frost damage and is in the ground @sharonhayden

Our one has a flower too 😊

Oh wow maybe I need to put mine out I have loads

Hey Julie 👋🏼 good news you’ve got a flower coming! Mines doing well but it’s been in a terracotta pot so far, and really slow growing. Maybe I should put mine in the ground too? 🤔

I probably would @richard.spicer.7906 They seem to be bullet proof. How are you doing ? I’m not on here much nowadays and you seem to be on even less 😂

Lol! Yeah, don’t know about you but time is my enemy right now. All good, but just not finding much time other than sleep, eat work and repeat. Finally got a job now as a gardener for a large private place up the road, lovely garden but lots of work, keeps me busy! (I started posting work stuff under @richardspiceratwork to keep it separate, if you’re interested to see it). How about you, all good?

All good here thank you @richard.spicer.7906 Double jabbed now as is my eldest who is 21 who was very poorly before covid and lockdowns hit. He’s diagnosed with long covid which has caused all sorts including clots and nerve damage but he’s back teaching now and is alot better than he was. I don’t know where time goes either. I seem to be very busy doing nothing 🤣
Early Summer 2019

@midnightgardener this #aloe-striatula is hardy. It was just a single stem when I bought it last year. Its starting to bulk up though and I'm hoping for flower spikes at some point

Managed to find one of these at the local GC for £4 which I thought was a bargain. Not doing much yet although it’s shown a bit of growth.

That's a good buy @richard.spicer.7906
Mid Winter 2018

Hmm well.... I ordered this aloe striatula last week and was promised it was sent last Monday via 1st class post. Contacted the seller today to find out he'd sent it to the wrong house number. Retrieved my battered soggy parcel from the wrong house who had left it in their back garden and found a poorly looking plant with leaves yellowing and snapped off 😕

Get in touch with the seller and let them know, contact the delivery people too. That’s not good customer service!! 🤬🤬

Surely that’s the sellers fault Hun I’d contact them and send them pics....good luck 😚

Agree with others Julie @vec sellers fault for sending it to the wrong address regardless if the person who received it gave it to you straight away or not you were not to know it was there until you contacted the seller & found out what had happened 😘 I could always help you out send them that photo of the Stare 😂😘

Haha @jadojado29

If you have proof you gave them the correct details Hun they can't really say it's not their fault,send them the pics of the state you got it in after it's been sat at the wrong address 😘

I paid via ebay/paypal @daisy-jane Definitely a case of the seller making an error 😉

Hope you get sorted Hun 😘👍

Oh dear, hope it recovers Julie 😕

A 50% refund has been offered which I'm considering. Pretty sure these are tough as old boots so will probably take a chance on it @daisy-jane @richard.spicer.7906 @jadojado29 @nessas and @pelly

Better than nothing Hun 🙄 I'm sure with a little TLC from you it will recover 😊👍

You want to insist on a full refund Julie, it doesn't matter how tough they are, it's their mistake and you have received shoddy goods through no fault of your own!! If it was me, I'd ask for a replacement too, that's poor customer service and don't accept it. Sorry rant over, but as consumers we have rights and we need to insist on fair recompense for poor service.
@pelly there’s the plant with its leaves so it doesn’t look so hot poker ish 🤣🤣🤣 #aloe-striatula
And they survive your winters?
No, not now 😂
Yes totally hardy @lesliecole49 I don’t even have to mulch them
Hi Julie 👋 after your advice in leaving my hardy Aloe out doors it's done amazingly well and in flower 🌴 so thanks again 👍. Was just wondering do you feed yours? @vec
I don’t feed it anything @porto The whole garden gets chicken pellets chucked over it in spring but after that I only feed potted plants
Ok thanks 👍 @vec