Plantain Lily
Mid Summer 2022
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Mid Spring 2022
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Late Winter 2022
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Late Winter 2022
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Late Winter 2022
- 5
Late Winter 2022
- 6
Late Spring 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Mid Summer 2022
Mid Spring 2022

It sprung back and I totally forgot about it!
Late Winter 2022

Now I have 4 hosta roots for the darkest area, I have ivy and only need some ferns and hebas #newpurchase #lidl #tag
Late Winter 2022

#newpurchase #lidl #tag
Late Winter 2022

2 roots for 10 kn in #lidl, I'm tempted to purchase some shrubs for front yard. The thing is that space is far from being prepared and I promised myself to stop purchasing plants if the ground is not ready to plant them right away. 🤔 Maybe I could plant them in big pots.

Start them out in smaller pots, they won't get real big the first couple years. Is there a variety name?

@lesliecole49 yeah you got it😉. I might change plant ID, I'm not sure - at the begining I tried to link each variety separately and the plant list become too long for me to manage. 🤔

Frequently the plant variety is already in the encyclopedia listing. You go to Plant, find my plant in the encyclopedia, and type in, say, hosta it'll pop up all the hostas listed, you can search for yours or continue typing.. hosta Undulata and it will pop that up then you tap it and your plant is named.

Thank you. At the begining I tried to link each variety separately and the plant list become too long for me to manage.
Late Winter 2022

#purchase #lidl #tag #not-my-photo

Lol, never mind

I have an unnamed one that might be this one, very pretty curly leaves

@lesliecole49 it might be? Tell me how large is one plant - how many mature plants could be for example in the pot pictured above?

It's probly one plant in that pot, these get about 55cm tall and probably wider than that. It just takes a couple years to get that big. I put in a couple new hostas each year so I have them from thigh high to small plants that came from a half litre pot or root divisions. I'll look in my plant list and tag you on the last picture I have of this one.
Late Spring 2021

#rip or just went to sleep and I didn't know that 😲 but I believe there was too much water in the dish below the pots and hostas can't tolerate that. No more purchasing plants before the garden is prepared for it! Too many plants waisted or stunted waiting 😢
Late Spring 2021

Late Spring 2021

Lots of young leaves 🥰
Late Spring 2021

#shopping hosta 19kn Biljka najbolje uspijeva na dobro osvijetljenom prostoru, ali u dubokoj sjeni skrivena od direktnog sunčevog svjetla. Održavati tlo vlažnim, ali ne natopljenim.
I still have only this one, never managed to plant the roots I purchased, it was a challenging year. I want to tend to my plants better since they tend to me so well! At least this year was better than year before, an outline of our garden starts to emerge