Ficus lyrata
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Early Autumn 2020
- 8
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 2
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 3
Early Winter 2019
- 2
Early Winter 2019
- 7
Late Autumn 2019
- 3
Late Autumn 2019
- 4

Ficus lyrata
Early Autumn 2020
Late Winter 2020

Phinneas' newest new leaf has significantly less red spotting, which (I think) means my care is improving in regards to water. I'm so happy for him! #phinneas-the-ficus #ficuslyrata #fiddleleaffig #flf #newgrowth #newleaf #oedema #houseplant
Late Winter 2020

Phinneas' new leaf is even bigger and look! 😲 Another baby leaf is already on the way! What an absolute champ.🏆 #phinneas-the-ficus #fiddleleaffig #flf #ficuslyrata #newgrowth #newleaf #houseplant

He is a champ!! 💪🏆 What a trooper!! 🙌 Growing nice, big and strong!! So proud for you 🥰
Late Winter 2020

Phinneas' new leaf is so much bigger after just a few days! #flf #fiddleleaffig #ficuslyrata #newgrowth #newleaf #houseplant #phinneas-the-ficus
Late Winter 2020

Phinneas the Ficus has his first new leaf since I got him! I heard that the red spots are from incongruent or inconsistent watering. I didn't know I was being problematic, Phinneas! I'll do better! 😢 Love you, buddy. #flf #ficuslyrata #fiddleleaffig #newgrowth #newleaf #phinneas-the-ficus

I have water globes in mine. But some of my leaves have red spot on them too. What do you have yours potted in? @savannahssucculentgarden 🤔

@alysha Mine is still in a plastic nursery pot. I feel like I water evenly, so maybe I need to water more often?
Early Winter 2019

Thought I'd give a quick update on my fall victim. It looks like he won't be dropping any leaves after his accident! So proud of my Phinneas. #ficuslyrata #fiddleleaffig #flf #ficusfriday #ficus #update #phinneas-the-ficus #houseplant

Glad he made it! He looks good!
Early Winter 2019

Phinneas, noooo!! #oops #fallenplant #accident #ficus-lyrata #fiddle-leaf-fig #phinneas-the-ficus #fell

Oh Phinneas! Stay on your feet buddy!!

I set him on a folded was uneven's all my fault! Phinneas forgive me for I have sinned. 😢 Luckily he does not have any visible damage, but his roots were definitely shaken up. I hope he doesn't throw a fit and drop leaves later. 🍃

If he starts not doing well, maybe an emergency repot? Don't beat yourself up about it. You treat Phinneas like royalty on a regular basis, just like all of your plants 💚

@sarahkbartley Thank you, Sarah! I try to do right by them, but accidents happen. I think most of us have had several falls.

Definitely. When I had the stray puppy over, he knocked Melman (my bicolor/tricolor [unsure of color] Madagascar Dragon Tree) over and I had to emergency repot. Accidents happen. You have to take it in stride. What's done is done. 💚

I feel u...
Late Autumn 2019

Happy #ficusfriday from Phinneas! #ficuslyrata #flf #fiddle-leaf-fig #houseplant

Hahaha Phinneas the Ficus! I love it 💚

Late Autumn 2019

Day 27: Trellis. Another thing I don't have! But here is a FLF I got today that I am SUPER excited about. #plantvember #plantvemberphotochallenge #flf #fiddle-leaf-fig #ficus-lyrata #houseplant #houseplants

He's so cute and little!! Love his leaf formation!! 🥰😍

@sarahkbartley Thank you! I'm already so attached to him. I'm trying to think of the right name.

His leaf pattern is definitely an inspiration!! I'm sure you'll think of a perfect name!!
Anybody know why the newest leaf is so wonky? Never had one come out like this.🤷♀️~~~~Anyway, Most Proud Of: I'm pretty proud of my fiddle, Phinneas. I know he's not perfect. The last 6 leaves have had pretty bad edema. I just can't seem to get the water right.😭 Still, I'm so proud of Phinneas for not dying and growing so quickly. I was a bit scared to get a fiddle. Everyone knows their reputation. But he has only dropped 2 leaves since I got him in November 2019. 🥳 #fiddle-leaf-fig #ficus-l
Is he a little fiddle or a regular size one?
Honestly idk. 😅 It wasn't labeled. If it's a big one, it's definitely still in its infancy.
Idk I was looking back thru his pics and for u having him a year and all his leaves are still mighty small. What size pot was he in when u got him? My bambino flf came in like a 6 in pot with a white cache pot and he came from. Like Lowes or something where did u get yours?
Maybe if u can take a pic of him with something next to it for size reference. Like a clear straight on shot and I may be able to tell for sure. Flf leaves grow big pretty fast even the small plant u know.
I just measured it and it's 13 inches tall, not including the pot. It came in a 4 inch pot, and it's only in a 5 inch pot now. The biggest leaf is 5 inches long. I got it at a nursery in Charlotte, North Carolina. @heatherdirtyhands
Tbh that's about the same measurements on my little fiddle. 6 in pot about 15 inches tall without pot and biggest leaf is about the length of my hand. I have had it about idk a little less than a year. I'm thinking thats what u have
I think inconsistent watering (letting the soil get too dry, then too wet) can cause that. In small pots, flfs are a little high-maintenance. Once it gets into a deeper pot, where the soil at the bottom stays moist, the new leaves should stop crinkling like that.