Monstera deliciosa
Swiss Cheese Plant
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Late Spring 2020
- 2
Mid Spring 2020
- 5
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 7
Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Early Winter 2019
- 2
Late Autumn 2019
- 4

Monstera deliciosa
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

I spoke too soon about Baby's new leaf. It does have fenestration! Woo! #monsteradeliciosa #monstera #newleaf #newgrowth #houseplant

Sweet! I just got a huge cutting. Love new leaves 🌱
Mid Spring 2020

Baby has a new leaf! No fenestration yet, but that's okay. Take your time, Baby. Please disregard my black hole eyes. I do have a soul, I swear. #monsteradeliciosa #monstera #newleaf #newgrowth

LOL! Great pic Savannah. We all try to wait patiently for things to happen...and are rewarded greatly when they do.

#thisisme 💚

Waving Hello 😀. Cute picture 😍

Beautiful picture !
Early Spring 2020

Day 1: New Month, New Leaf. Baby has his first new leaf! I think his roots are definitely ready for planting now, but I'm afraid the shock may hurt the new leaf. What do you guys think? Should I wait or do you think it would be fine? #aprilplantchallenge #newmonthnewleaf #monsteradeliciosa #cuttings #propagation #waterpropagation #newgrowth #newleaf #waterrooting
Late Winter 2020

What do you guys think? Is Baby ready to pot up? #roots #monsteradeliciosa #cutting #waterrooting

I'd say the one on the left is, let the one in the right sit for another week maybe?

I would plant them both up!

Yup I agree with @cyndi.. I would wait a few more weeks justtttt to be safe.💓

Honestly they would be fine but maybe let um go a little longer to be safe. Are u planting them together? If not plant one now and wait on the other for a couple weeks

@heatherdirtyhands I'm planning to pot them together, yes. I'm going to wait a little longer for the right one to catch up some. Most of the advice I got was to wait longer just in case, and I'd be heartbroken to lose either one at this point.

I was actually gonna say that about the right one
Mid Winter 2020

Day 20: Maranta/Monstera Monday. Baby is finally growing roots on BOTH cuttings. That little nub counts! I'm very proud of my Baby. #letsgrowin2020 #letsgrowtogether #monsteramonday #monsteradeliciosa #water-propagation #water-rooting #cuttings #roots

@savannahssucculentgarden are you water propagating?

@jaeCee Yes, I am! It's going very well so far.

Brilliant I love water propagation 😍
Early Winter 2019

Baby has a ROOT!! #water-rooting #water-propagation #monstera-deliciosa #roots #newgrowth #thatsmybaby #soproud

👏👏👏 Woohoo!
Late Autumn 2019

Everybody meet Baby! 👶 He came from my big monstera. He is composed of 2 cuttings and he has 7 leaves. No splits. I'm excited to watch him grow up. 🥰 #monsteradeliciosa #monstera #cuttings #propagation #water-rooting

Hey baby!! Good luck i know it will do great. So happy u got one!

Aah! I’m so excited you got one! Still my biggest wishlist item! One day! Ooonnneeee daaay! Eeeeek! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@heatherdirtyhands Thank you! I appreciate your confidence in me. @madnessbroken I'm so happy too! You will know the joy of owning this plant one day as well!
Baby's new leaf unfurled and it's perfect! #monsteradeliciosa #monstera #newleaf #newgrowth #houseplant #baby #unfurled
It's lovely gorgeous 😍
Thats wicked cool i love just one little hole so far! @savannahssucculentgarden