Trachycarpus fortunei syn. Chamaerops fortunei, Chamaerops excelsa
Chinese Windmill Palm
Early Summer 2017
- 13
Early Spring 2017
- 4

Trachycarpus fortunei syn. Chamaerops fortunei, Chamaerops excelsa
Early Summer 2017
Early Spring 2017

My 14ft palm tree we inherited when we bought the house :)

Wow.. that's amazing.. we are going to get one here at some point.. just got to figure where to put it

Any seeds?

Gorgeous! 😍I left one of these behind when we sold our previous house 😢
Excuse the mess, I've only lived here a few months and those months have been heavily pregnant and now with Newborn as well as my 2 year old. This corner continues to be neglected. But just look at the size of this monster. This photo will make a very good before photo anyways, wait til I get my hands on it!! 💪
You are doing really well under the circumstances, don't push yourself too hard, gardening is a pleasure not a chore Lyndsey 😊😊😊
Who cares about any untidiness wen you have a palm like that! It's extraordinary. 👌😍👍
That's huge its lovely โคโคโค
#gardenmakeover #before #mygardensteadysgirl7 #palm #trachycarpus
Wow. That's a fabulous specimen. Much bigger than mine & really impressive. Love it 😍
Huge! I think keeping it in the pot it's in will stop it getting too big 🙂did you plant it?
Just seen the original post - going to keep it? (The plant 🌚)
Yeah I didnt plant it Kyle, the lady who lived here before had it as a houseplant and one day decided she didn't like it so stuck it in a corner of the garden and this is the result! I don't like it and wouldn't have chosen it but it feels like getting rid of it would be the wrong thing to do. I look at it most days and think what on earth am I going to do with you haha. Maybe it will look better once the area is sorted 🤔 @kyleleonard
This is lovely, what have you done with it?
Nothing at all. It's still standing, surrounded by weeds 🙈 come make it look pretty @broughgardens