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Profile Image Ruth Chin


First time homeowner with busy day job. Trying to transition from suburban lawn & tangled trees to edible landscaping. New Jersey USA Zone 7a


  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2018
  • Like Count 2

Color lithops mix from the eBay seller exotic_cactus_collection. Ordinarily you can count on lithops seed sellers on eBay to be frauds, but this seller sent actual lithops seeds. I planted some last fall but they didn't germinate. Sometimes that happens when the seeds are too fresh. In those cases you just let the pot dry out and leave it alone till autumn and then re-wet it and try to germinate again. I've read about this online in several different forums, so that was going to be...

sushiwaitress approach too... until I knocked the pot over. So I'm trying again now with the rest of the seeds. #plantmarkers
