Monstera deliciosa
Swiss Cheese Plant
Mid Summer 2020
- 5
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 6
Late Spring 2019
- 2
Mid Spring 2019
- 2
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Winter 2019
- 1
Early Winter 2019
- 1

Monstera deliciosa
Mid Summer 2020
Early Summer 2019

I swear my #monsteradelicosa just multiplied accidentally, overnight on their own.. 🤷♀️ By my count that's 6× plants, 6× stem cuttings in pots and 3× cuttings propagating in water.. Opps! 🙊 #planthoarder #onlypaidfor2ofthem #sorryhubby #monstera-deliciosa #plantaddict

Well then!

well done.. 👏👏👏
Late Spring 2019

HELP!! Ok, so i saved this guy from being destroyed from a friends yard.. he has definitely seen some better days.. he only has really one decent green leaf left, but has plenty of healthy roots.. i would love any tips, advice or secrets to try amd bring him back to life.. tia x #monstera #monsteradeliciosa #planthelp #sickplant #plantrescue #plantrevival @ausgardentags

I can’t see many roots?

What to do: soak root mass in weak seaweed solution for an hour or so. Plant needs to put all its energy into staying alive and developing good roots so (deep breath) cut back all old, daggy leaves. Then plant in pot or garden. Water in well with bucket of seaweed solution used earlier. If in full sun, provide sun protection till first new leaves appear.

@ausgardentags it has a few roots, just a little hard to see! I will get straight onto that, thank you for your advice! Fingers crossed im strong enough to cut it back.. will keep you updated!

If you don’t have long handled pruners or a pruning saw you could try a bread knife? Cut the leaves and their stems off right back at the main stem.

Just saw this, sorry! But i do have them, just mean i hope i have the willpower to do it! Thanks again for your advice 😊
Late Spring 2019

Wondering if anyone is able to help me out here.. Monty Jnr. seems to have some lighter, almost white streaks on his leaves.. Seems to be happy and healthy and is putting put a new leaf roughly once a week at the moment.. Is this possible varigation or something else? Any help appreciated.. @ausgardentags #monstera #monstera-deliciosa #monstera-help #planthelp #help #swisscheeseplant

Looks more like a deficiency of some sort? @annettenoosa ?
Mid Spring 2019

First fenestrated leaf on my baby.. that new leaf green is just incredible 😍😍 #newleaves #monstera #monstera-deliciosa

How exciting 😊🌸
Early Spring 2019

So, ive managed to get my hands on #monstera fruit.. any help on eating or seeds etc.. (still new to this lol) #monstera #monstera-deliciosa #monstera-help #monsteradeliciosa

Look at Tessa's feed. @tessafox-veling She loves eating them!

Thanks heaps!

This one doesn’t look quite ripe, so the little segments won’t be as sweet. Best to leave it for a bit. Just squeeze them open and scoop the fruit out @TeaganT

Thanks tessa, I popped it up on my windowsill after doing a bit of research.. i grabbed it from a friends giant while i had the chance..
Late Winter 2019

New baby 🌱 #monstera #monsteradeliciosa
Mid Winter 2019

Seriously feel like ive been waiting forever for this new leaf to show itself 🥰 #monsteradeliciosa #newleaves
Early Winter 2019

Monty the 🌱 #monstera #monsteradeliciosa
#help me! Repotted one of my baby #monstera plants last night and these little spots have appeared literally overnight! Not sure what to do as still very novice to #plantproblems.. #monsterahelp #sickplant #blackspot-advice #monsteradeliciosa @ausgardentags
Do they wipe off with soapy water or are they in the leaves?
@ausgardentags it's in the leaves.. kind of like little dimples i guess.
@annettenoosa ?
@TeaganT Could possibly be Black Spot, a fungus disease. I have never seen it on Monstera, which is usually such a hardy plant (in warm climates). I would try a light mist of fungus spray. Added a link to black spot, which might apply to your succulent spots as well. My remedy for any fungus is to keep plants healthy. My garden friend is foliar feed of seaweed sprayed on leaves of plants. @brightcolours