Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Tropical Hibiscus
Late Spring 2020
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 25
Late Spring 2019
- 22
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Mid Spring 2019
- 7
Early Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2019
- 13

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Late Spring 2020
Early Summer 2019

Even with this heat my Hybiscus is looking good!😊💕

It's gorgeous Terri!💘😍

@gjones it’s not as hot as yesterday right now it’s 90F with a heat index of 100 Yesterday it was 102F with a heat index of 108F. It’s very hot even in Northeast America. Tennessee was forecast to reach 107F it hardy ever gets that hot there. Is it warm at your house?? Your alittle bit North. Just curious??😊💕

@gjones I didn’t know it got that hot up there?!?! Well glad you have better temperatures now. Hopefully the rain will stop soon!😊💕

Pretty @terrimclaughlin

That's gorgeous Terri I would love to be able to grow that here 😊💕

Absolutely beautiful 💛

@hannahchristine Thanks Hannah. I like your new profile picture!!! Your sooo pretty ☺️😉😊💕

@alan1111 Thanks Alan. Hybiscus are one of my favorites party because they grow good here. Hope your doing OK and your back isn’t giving you to many problems 😕😧😊💕

@kez001uk. Thank you my garden friend!!🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin aww thank you ❤💋😘

@jaynehynesburton Thank you I went outside and saw four blooms......made my day😊💕
Late Spring 2019

Not only are my Hybiscus blooms huge this year but they have a beautiful red color in the petals! Flowers are sooo pretty 😊💕

Stunning! 💛 the blush in the veining is lovely ❤️

That's a beauty Terri I'd love to be able to grow this here but it's to cold 😞

Beautiful Terri!!!😍

This is stunning Terri!💘😍

Very beautiful 😍


@kez100uk. Thank you. Each year it gets more red. I had this Hybiscus about 6 yrs.😊💕

@alan1111 Thank you I know the feeling! There’s so many beautiful flowers that grow in different climates!!! It’s sooo hot down here that we’re limited too! But I do love the look of the Hybiscus! Have a great day 👍🏻😊💕

@scottz Thank you 😊💕

@columbiariver Thxs, back to you too!!😂🤗😊💕

@ShelleySnyder Thank you I think this Texas heat will also let me grow the Brugs!!😲👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕
Mid Spring 2019

The day I left to come to Florida. Everything was starting to bloom 😊💕

Oh wow!! Look at those enormous, incredibly lovely flowers!

Lovely colour 😍

Gorgeous 💛
Mid Spring 2019

Yellow Hybiscus 😊💕

Ilove the colour😍


Lovely Terri!😁

Beautiful! Such a great color too! 😍

One of my favs

Gorgeous 💛
Early Spring 2019

Sorry I know I just posted this one but this is today. It wasn’t done blooming yesterday. Soony hands full of dirt just wanted to show you the size of the bloom!!! I’m very happy right about now but sweating lol😊💕

@littlemorningglory thxs so much. I love Hybiscus and this one is already giving huge blooms but I’ve had it a good while so maybe the blooms get better with age!!😂😊💕

@david71 thxs David I’m going to your profile to c how great things r over there where there’s so many beautiful tropical plants. 😊💕

Gorgeous! I love the perfect star in the center. Perfection.

That's huge 😍 #hibiscus #perfection #yellow #perfect

What a beauty 💛
Early Spring 2019

This is # beautiful inspiration#firstbloomonthishybiscusexcitinginspiration😊💕

Gorgeous 💛


Ooooooh!!! A real beauty!💘😍

Beautiful 😍 #hibiscus

Wow big beauty @terrimclaughlin

Lovely 😍

@Keely thank you. It’s so exciting for everyone now that all this crazy weather has past us by!!😊💕

@kez001uk thank you my first bloom. Our weather has been so crazy. Hopefully it’s over now!🤗😊💕

@novicegardenlover thx you I’ll tell ya your garden is getting beautiful I love so many of your flowers!!😊💕

@ShelleySnyder thank you looks like you too are enjoying this sunshine, finally!!😊💕

@nej thank you very much. I’m going to try to have flowers this year. I really need bulbs!! Much less work lol😊💕
These are those “wave petunias “. Here in the Texas this type of petunia is really hardy. My little cactus above on the ledge are doing good too.
Hi Terri 🙋♂️ good to have you back , its been too long. How's my favourite American 😉