Acanthus mollis
Early Summer 2020
Late Autumn 2016

Acanthus has put on a bit of growth these last 6 months. This is a side shoot off one I left behind at a previous house and had been confined to a pot for 2 years. Wonder if it will put up some flowers next year ?
Lovely leaves

Had mine two years, still not flowered yet. Any idea how long they take?

Didn't think they took that long @Garyg They like full sun and seemed to grow best for me at a previous garden in poor soil

My grow like mad, had lots of flowers , last for ages 👍

#acanthus #bearsbreeches #foliage

Fab! 👍🏼looks lovely and healthy and How funny...I have one behind a tree which obviously doesn't do well, and I noticed today it's grown loads...very strange! 🤔 I will have to move it, it has flowered only once 😁

If you move it @rachelbrooks it will probably still sprout again in the original position. Only needs a tiny bit of root left behind 😉

Oh well that would be ok Julie - buy one get one free! 👍🏼😊
Early Spring 2016

#Acanthus mollis

I spy a #forgetmenot seedling. Got lots of them growing in various pots with other plants ☺


I get lots of them too just randomly popping up all over the place!
This #acanthus-mollis hasn't flowered before and I've had it years. It has much glossier and softer leaves than the mildew prone #acanthus-spinosus which I dug out this year although I must have left a bit behind as the thug has popped back up 😠
I've not grown these before. Maybe one for next year 👍