Melianthus major 'Purple Haze'
Honey Bush 'Purple Haze'
Mid Summer 2016
- 11
Late Spring 2016
- 9
Mid Spring 2016
- 3
Late Winter 2016
- 5

Melianthus major 'Purple Haze'
Mid Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016


I've never heard of this plant,is it tropical

@wallington I've not seen one of these before. I'll be interested to see its progress 😊🙏🏼👍🏼

It's from South Africa @bookworm68 @pixierose. I've not grown before either but I love its leaves :)

Hi Jack, Looking good, when do you plan to plant it out doors?

I like these 😍😍😍

@lamaisonbleueoleron it's been outside in a pot for a while. Just deciding where to put it! :D

@wallington I need to remember to collect some seeds next year 👍 Jack, Bon chance for Thursday, I'm sure you'll sail through with flying colours 😉

#honeybush #melianthus
Mid Spring 2016

This is 'definitely' the same plant and 'definitely' not a second attempt because I killed the first one


#honeybush #melianthus
Late Winter 2016

Small beginnings

Great looking seedling


This little seedling is barely clinging onto life at the moment, although a second leaf seems to be starting to form. Another seed I sowed a while ago has started growing.
Hi Jack looking good 👍👏🏼 have you decided on where your going to plant it?
Love that 👏
@juliesgarden another for your garden 😳😉👍
Mmmm maybe , I think I need to move, not enough space for all the plants I want 😂😂😁🤔 @lamaisonbleueoleron
@lamaisonbleueoleron I'm going to keep it in this pot this year - hoping to redesign some of the garden in winter to make more beds. It's very paved right now
Not sure the size of your pot but you may need to take a larger size to allow the roots to develop they'll start to grow quickly during the mild winter.
#melianthus-major #honeybush
I love this 😍 on my wish list
Look at mine Jack! They are huge, all grown from seed. A bit like palm trees this year!! 😃
Love these it's now on my wish list too plus it's on my crocus wish list just in case I forget it lol 😍