Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Tropical Hibiscus
- Late Summer 2016
- 13
- 3
- Early Summer 2016
- 17
- 6
- Late Spring 2016
- 2
- 1
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
- Late Summer 2016
- 13
- Early Summer 2016
- 17
Well after much disappointment of one bud after another forming and then dropping off for no apparent reason I finally have one single beautiful bloom on my Hibiscus. 😊
@carherine ......beautiful flower, great pic :)
Congratulations @carherine that's a beaut! I have tried & failed with Hibiscus too. 😊
Thank you x
Oh I love it! Well done you!
Thank you #Lowlandsaway I was horrified to find the next day that the flower had dropped off. When I Googled this I found it was perfectly normal. The blooms only last 24 hours. Such a shame as so beautiful 🌺
- Late Spring 2016
- 2
I bought this Hibiscus last weekend. I have places it in full sun and watered well. It has definitely grown a bit since but every bud that starts to form on it drops off (they definitely haven't been knocked off they just drop on their own accord). Why is this???,
I can't believe how well my £5 Hibiscus has done. I didn't hold out much hope for it when I first bought back in May as all the buds kept dropping off before they had time to develop properly. But low and behold after some TLC it has proved me wrong and is still flowering now. 😊
Oh that's a pretty colour 👍😊💕