Hippeastrum (Amaryllis)
Early Winter 2020
- 8
Early Winter 2019
- 11
Mid Autumn 2018
- 5

Early Winter 2020
Early Winter 2019

Think my amaryllis is a little bit on the short side this year, last year the flower was at the top of the window this year its barely reaching the bottom of the handle!!

It’s got a big head on it Carol...it’s gonna be a whopper

Least it has less chance of flopping/bending the shorter it is! 👍🏼😉 after my poor attempt at them a couple of years ago, I’ve cheated and bought a ready made one this year! 🤭

It was last year @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom, the head us huge and splitting already

I thought about cheating too then I saw as lainey put it a large head appearing!! 😂 @rachelbrooks

Well that’s the important bit! 👍🏼😂

Well it’s doing better than mine 🙄 Mine hasn’t even produced a leaf yet 🤷♀️😂

Well done mine is only half an inch high too💚😂

Mines showing no sign of sprouting either but I'm planning on putting it in the ground so it's been outside all summer and fall. I'm hoping they'll revert to their normal flowering season

This one has been sat on my kitchen window sil for the last 3 years neglected is an understatement I cut its leaves of beginning of October and purposely watered it and here it is a large head with a bent stem (sounds painful), but doing better than the one on the lounge window sil chopped its leaves off now totally sulking!! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @rachelbrooks @awomanonabike @lesliecole49
Mid Autumn 2018

Thought I lost this, went to pull it out of the pot to chuck out and noticed some green on it, given it a water tonight will repot tomorrow I think though

I read that you need to put it away in a dark cool place until 6 weeks before you want it to flower again. And then 're pot.

Yes in the fridge too in a paper bag, this has been sat for well months on my kitchen window sil exactly like this @charlottejhurst I'd given up all hope on it but just too lazy to chuck out, glad I didn't now hopefully should flower just before Xmas 🎄

I've got 5 in my conservatory. but they haven't died back completely despite no water since august! It's too warm I guess.... I shall persevere 😗

Cut the leaves of some and see if that helps! I was looking at new ones in the GC last week couldn't believe how expensive they had got, how are you?
Hooray we have open flowers 💕
Gorgeous 🌺❤️
And what a beauty too 😍
Woo! Look at her! 💃🏻 mine is starting to unfurl!! And the flower stems have got hooooge!
They always amaze me, the size they get in relativity short space of time with that monstrously gorgeous flower @rachelbrooks
She certainly is @suerichards
Thank you @rosiebug
Blooming gorgeous ❤️