Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve' syn. Erysimum linifolium 'Bowles' Mauve'
Wallflower 'Bowles's Mauve'
Mid Spring 2018
- 6
Mid Winter 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2017
- 9
Late Winter 2017
- 7
Late Autumn 2016
- 2
Mid Autumn 2016
- 2

Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve' syn. Erysimum linifolium 'Bowles' Mauve'
Mid Spring 2018
Mid Winter 2018

Nothing stops this wallflower from flowering 😃.

Morning Dave, great photo 💜💜
Early Spring 2017

When it comes to providing colour, these wallflowers are absolute workhorses 😀.

Lovely picture🤗

Mine has been flowering non stop for 3yrs now 💜👍👍

Yes @gjones , it's a perennial wallflower.

That looks fabulous! I lost mine last year after flowering for about 10 years🙁 they grow well from cuttings too @davethegardener

I just planted out a cutting I took from it last year @tiger123 , hopefully it'll flower just as well 😊.

Gorgeous 😍

Fabulous display 💕💖

Beautiful 💖
Late Winter 2017

Wallflower back in flower already, though it hardly stopped all winter 😃.

What a great little performer 🤗

Nice colour. Mine were in bud - must check if any have opened yet.
Lovely and a brighter colour than mine

#wallflower #bowlesmauve #erysimum

That's definitely one for the wish list! 😃😃

It's certainly a good work horse when it comes to keeping colour it the garden @riakat @gjones , I've taken cuttings so I can spread it around a bit more 😊.
Late Autumn 2016

Last flower standing now. Think I need to get some evergreen plants in the garden for next winter, in order to create some year round interest.

I really need to get some of this next year. I used to have it at a previous house and was such a good long performer all year. I had an orange one too but I can't remember the variety name now.
Mid Autumn 2016

Still flowering like mad 😃

Always puts on a good show in any weather 😀
Morning Dave, I nearly posted this 💜😍
Morning Jane @pelly , yeah these always look good all year round.
@cottagegardendave Has it got a stunning fragrance to go with the lovely 😊 colour? 😊🙏🏼👍🏼💜
I have to admit I’ve never noticed but I don’t have a very strong sense of smell so I can’t really say for sure @pixierose
@cottagegardendave Ooh get your nose down and have a sniff some smell amazing. I can smell my yellow ones just walking past. 😊🙏🏼👍🏼☀️