Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve' syn. Erysimum linifolium 'Bowles' Mauve'
Wallflower 'Bowles's Mauve'
Mid Spring 2020
- 11
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 6
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1

Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve' syn. Erysimum linifolium 'Bowles' Mauve'
Mid Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020

I love this plant. It flowered right through last year and now, I've got some lovely new flowers on it 😊😊💜💜💕💕
Late Winter 2020

My old Bowles Mauve needs some attention and I must buy another one for my small garden 😊😊💜💜💕💕

Take some cuttings, lots of free plants 💜🙋♀️

@pelly Yet again I say, now why didn't I think of that?🤔I saw some little ones today that looked good but the price wasn't at £8.99 no way am I paying that. I saw some red ones too. Got to have a red one!😊😊♥️♥️

Yes, I saw some today, I think they were about the same price 👍

@pelly I think they're worth it because mine is still in flower now and throughout last year. I just thought I could get them cheaper elsewhere. I like more for my money and who doesn't 😊😊🌸🌸

I couldn’t agree more 👍
Late Spring 2019

This plant is amazing! Why? Because it's been flowering since last year and never stopped 😊😊💜💜

Evening Chris @midnightgardener I have these, Wonderful plants, that never give up flowering 💜 mind like yours have been flowering since last year 👍😍💜😘

@jadojado29 Great stuff. It's maybe about 2 years old now I think 😊😊💜💜
Mid Autumn 2018

I'm surprised there's still some flower with this. Just a few but it's having a longer life than its usual up to September flowering period. I can't remember the name of the shrub next to it but it's a lovely Autumn gold ☺☺💜💜
She's flowering like mad now and looking really good. I'm sure I could do with another one of these 😊😊💕💕💜💜
Lovely 💜💜💜
I've just got to get this type. One I've never had 💜
@jeatacake You ought to Jeff. When I bought this a while ago it was nowhere near this big. And the good thing is with them, I've found, is mine flowers throughout the year. Then when spring comes they ramp up on new flowers. Amazing plant! 💜💜
You've definitely convinced me. Top of the wishlist! 💜💜
@jeatacake Woo hoo! Good to hear Honky Tonks! 😀💜💜
Ooooh you are awful 😂😂😂
You definitely need another one! They're such lovely flowers and mine last for ages too.
@lilybee You're so right there Sue. 😊😊Hope you're keeping well and busy. I think I'm about to make a 🍰 I just feel like it and oooh I love cake ♥️♥️
Been raining here all day so made cheese scones (yummy and all gone) and did sewing. Hope you enjoyed your cake making, I love cake too 😄 @midnightgardener
@lilybee When I checked ingredients I was short of some key things. I'm going shopping tomorrow to get what I need. I need cat biscuits too. I better make a list 💕💕