Late Spring 2020
- 2
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 7
Early Autumn 2017
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 4

Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2018

I have this #clematis growing up the #pergola this year and the first flowers had to be at the very top. Out came the Ladders so I could take this shot 😂😂 beautiful 🌼

Beautiful 💗💗💗

So pretty..
Mid Spring 2018

Having another go at growing this #clematis never have much we will see what this buy from #aldi is like. Fingers crossed 😊

Is it a Montana? If so don’t prune it unless it gets too big. Then only after it flowers. Hope that helps. Keep it roots in the shade too

Thank you Joan @joanboston I have in growing in a large planter. It is pretty much in full sun should I cover the soil with mulching to protect the roots????

They say cover with a slate or some stones to keep them cool. It’s a big plant eventually. Mine has covered 12’ in four years. Will definitely benefit from being in the ground

So pretty !

I’ve just bought 3 this year for various places Dave and I’ve never had them before so we’ll have to compare 😀

Thanks again Joan @joanboston I can't really plant it in the ground as I want it to grow up the trellis where our seating area is. I will cover it with stones as u have suggested. Definitely have to compare Elaine @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I have tried everything to get them to take but for some reason I end up killing it or next doors cats start clawing at them. Will have to see how it goes this year x
Early Autumn 2017

#latebloomer Morning folk's! Just walked around the garden this morning and found another late bloomer on my #clematis. I cut it right back 🔙 to fit the new wicker arch behind it, expecting it not to grow until next year but it's shot up 👆 again and given me another round of flowers!

Hi Dave that’s fab, out of interest when did you cut it back?
Early Summer 2017

Taken in June but I'd forgotten just how delicate looking this was #clematis #mygardendavenhaze

That's beautiful

Good pic 📷👏👏👏👏

Marvellous photo. Love it.
Abundance of flowers this year on my #clematis must be doing well considering I’d cut it right back last year!!
Lovely colour