Wisteria floribunda
Japanese Wisteria
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 5

Wisteria floribunda
Early Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

First flower on this since giving it a huge chop back two years ago.

Congratulations 🥳🤩🥳🤩🥳🤩🥳 I know the feeling..💜💜💜
Early Summer 2016

The wisteria which I had to savagely prune early in the year is making a rapid recovery. Is it best to train up a trellis, or on wires ?
Late Spring 2016

Having had to cut this wisteria right down to the floor early in the spring it's not starting a come back. Is it best to train it along wire, or just on a trellis. I don't want it to get to rampant.?

Sorry, that should have said now starting a come back.

@davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co Sorry cannot advise don't have wisteria but couldn't help thinking this is my type of pruning ie: a real hatchet job 😂

Haha. I didn't think it would come back from that, but it would be nice to see it growing again.

Was hoping @mikethegardener could give me some advise on this 😊
First proper flower on the wisteria .
Fantastic 💜💜💜
Oh. There was me just saying to Gary I can always spot a blue bell. So that's not a blue bell then . Doh @scaryskates