Ananas comosus
Late Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
- 8

Ananas comosus
Late Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

@lovestogarden @ambitiouswolf @teamgardentags @brightcolours @jennlamaye i need your help i am trying to grow a pineapple tree is this the true way i am doing ? Any information about the process to do it ???? Plz can you give me steps about that with some pictures and information ? And i live in lebanon will it grow in my country ????

There are many ways to start a pineapple plant. Looks like you are using a pineapple top to start yours

I used the pineapple top to start my plant. I cut the top off. Pulled off some of the lower leaves. And then I planted it in a pot. I put it in a sunny spot. If it is really hot there you may need a part shade spot to set it.

When I was going to do it, I found a video on you tube that showed how to start a pineapple from a top. If you have access to YouTube I highly suggest you check it out if you want pictures.

I am using a top of the pineapple in water to get root to plant my country we have 4 season hot summer and cold winter degrees in winter is about 3 degrees at night and in summer its about 35 degrees does it live in this place or should i plant it and keep it inside home ???? And how much time does it need for roots to appear ????

@ambitiouswolf how much time do i have to leave it in water to get roots to plant it ???? And does it requires too much sun after planting it ??? And how much does it requires water after planting ?


@lovestogarden i need your help my queen

@ambitiouswolf has given you good information. Remember that a pineapple is in the Bromeliad family. They need moisture on top but must be able to dry out in their roots or they rot.

I am not sure about your weather or temperature, but I have a friend who grows hers inside in a pot. I have always planted mine in the ground without waiting for roots. I have never gotten a pineapple yet. I understand it takes three years.

So i have to water it on top not to water the sand after planting it ?

@ambitiouswolf @lovestogarden so it is not required to put in water like the way i am doing ???? I can plant it directly ???
Early Summer 2017

@ambitiouswolf this is a closer pic i just zoomed it

@lovestogarden this is a closer pic for the white things it produced thwy are like cotton

I still think it is #mealybugs. Use the rubbing alcohol.

Yes mealybugs 😐
Early Summer 2017

@lovestogarden @jennlamaye @bananas @ambitiouswolf what does this plant do ??? Is it used as amedicine for something ? And does it like water and sun too much ???? And i realized something white is on it what are these ?

And what is the name of it ?



Can you get a closer pic of the white stuff?

I am not at home to take another pic right now but i will publish a closer pic later

This looks like a variegated Jade plant to me. I do not know that they are used for anything other than beauty. It is a #succulent and therefore likes little water and lots of sun or light. The white stuff looks like #mealybugs . Rubbing alcohol dabbed on and around them will remove them. #mealy-bug #mealybug-advice #pestcontrol-mealybug Check out:

It's not very happy... @lovestogarden has given good advice.

The plant produced these white things they are like cotton @lovestogarden

The mealy bugs suck life from the plant. It just looks like it is from the plant.

@lovestogarden so it is not produced by the plant ??? I have to remove them ????

@lovestogarden thank you for helping me you are the best
Early Summer 2017

Help me identify this plant

Hello Elie 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hello", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Finally, if you would like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks also for asking us to help identify your plant #PlantID. Fellow GT'ers are you able to help Elie? @barbaramatthews @Garyg @jamesshobbs @joanboston @kathy @lexijane @linfoster @mikethegardener @mrsflowerpot @PlantDoctor @richard.spicer.7906

Plz tell me the name of this plant

@lovestogarden @muzz @alovealoe

Plz tell me the name of my plant

This looks like a beautiful Peperomia dolabriformis (a.k.a. Prayer Pepper). Welcome to garden Tags! @brightcolours

#peperomia #peperomiadolabriformis
@lovestogarden i want to show you how my pinapple is growing from last time after your help
It was dying and now boom look the difference you saved my pinapple @lovestogarden
Elie, super! I am SO HAPPY for your pineapple!! It looks great. My neighbor's just started to form fruit. It is so amazing! 🍍👏👏👏👏
@lovestogarden does the pinapple die after it makes the fruit ?????
Yes, Elie, but before this plant dies, it will produce pups around it's base. These will then grow up to produce fruit and the circle continues! It follows the course of all Bromeliads. Just enjoy it's life, don't worry. It will do as each cell is supposed to. 👏❤