Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Tropical Hibiscus
Early Autumn 2022
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Early Autumn 2022
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Late Summer 2022
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Late Summer 2022
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Mid Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Early Autumn 2022
Early Autumn 2022

#hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus-fiesta #bestofseptember #indoorsforwinter

I'm in love! 💘😍

Just gorgeous 😍

Oh wow 😮 🤩

Thanks everyone. She seems to be enjoying the indoors. Love her colours and more to come. 😍😍 @gjones @ShelleySnyder @hebelover @juliesgarden

Very welcome Diane! 💘😍
Late Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus-fiesta #intherain #somanybloomstoday #moretocome #needtorepot #comingindoors

So very beautiful! 💘😍

Thanks lovely ladies. I have a good pot ready to repot this big beauty. I have been waiting for it to finish blooming but that seems not to be happening any time soon. The nights are going to get colder so I cannot wait. 🤷♀️ @gjones @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure! 💘😍

It is. I repotted my hibiscus today so it can come in any night it needs too. Next on the list is the mandevilla. Lots of work for September 😳😁 @gjones

Fantastic! So many flowers & buds 😍 think how many more you’ll have when it’s in a bigger pot 😜

Thanks Kerry. I repotted her today and she seems to have adapted well so far. She even braved a short rainstorm. Our temps may go down to 8 degrees at night soon so she is ready to come inside. Next comes the huge mandevilla. It will need a trim or it will take over any room it is in. 😆@kez001uk

@hkyfvr it’s always nice seeing a plant happy after it’s given a new home 😛 I think you could create a mandevilla jungle room! 😂

Especially with my second smaller one. Hope the mealy bugs leave them alone this year. Maybe they do not like red like they liked the pink last year. 😔 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr I forgot about the hassle they gave you 🥺 they’ll be kind and leave your plants alone this winter 😁

Thanks Kerry. I really hope so but I found some on one of my violets yesterday. Will be very vigilant all Winter. 🤞🤞 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr 😡 they’re the devil in bug form! Guess that’s all you can do, keep checking and treating as needed 😐
Late Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus-fiesta #stillbloomingwell

Woweeee!!! 💘😍

Thanks Shelley. There are 2 more flowers but it is too hard to get them all in the photo. 😄 @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure! 💘😍

Plant envy 😍 🥰💗

Thanks Angie. Love the colours on these. 😍😍 @angiecrazycatlady

I can see why 😍
Mid Summer 2022

#hibiscus #hibiscus-fiesta #shininginthemorningsun #sopretty

Wow!! 💘😍

What an unusual one!!

Thanks ladies. This has been such a lovely plant blooming all summer. Katy I think we are too late as far as my hubby goes with hair loss. 😂 Who knows, I may need it soon. 🤔 @ShelleySnyder @gjones @italydiva.

Very welcome! 💘😍

If it helped my hubby would have hibiscus flowers draped on his head. Lol 😂 It is very interesting though. So many different herbs and flowers are good for hair. 😁 @gjones

what a bangin bloomin blossom 😮💨

Thanks 😁 @jastyn
Wow Diane. Your daughter chose a beautiful hibiscus. She sounds like an awesome person ☺
Early Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus-fiesta #anotherbloomtoday #lovethecolours

Ooooooeeeeeee!!! 💘😍

Wow 🤩

Thanks lovely ladies. This always boosts my mood. So pretty. 😍😍 @gjones @ShelleySnyder @juliesgarden.

My pleasure! 💘😍

So gorgeous!! They just make me happy to look at them!! 😍😍😍

Thanks so much. They make me happy too. So tropical. 😍😍 @cheriej

Love it

Thanks very much Kelsey 😍 @kelsey92

Thanks Karen. Can’t get enough of these beauties 😍 @KOutdoors

I have one but it is in an tree form

Sounds beautiful Kelsey. You should post it. I would love to see it. 😍 @kelsey92
Early Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus #hibiscus-fiesta #anotherbloom #suchlovelycolours

Drop dead gorgeous! 💘😍

Thanks Shelley. Every flower is so beautiful 😍😍 @ShelleySnyder

Very welcome! I agree! 💘😍

Stunning 🔥🔥🔥

Absolutely beautiful 😍 Wish mine was this colour!

Beautiful 🔥🔥🔥

Thanks so much everyone. Love these colours. 😍 @hebelover @italydiva @godfreye

WOW!!! It’s so gorgeous! Love those colors!🥰🥰🥰

Thanks ladies. This is such a wonderful plant. Love the colours. 😍 @gjones @cheriej
Early Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus #hibiscus-fiesta #anotherbloomopen #lovelycolours #bestofjune

So pretty 🤩

Thanks Julie. Every flower brings me such joy. 😍 @juliesgarden

Thanks. Could not resist posting it again. Much cooler today but warming for the weekend. 😍 @gjones
Early Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropicalhibiscus-flowers #hibiscus-fiesta #twonewbloomstoday

Ooooh pass the cocktails round 😋 beautiful tropical blooms. They're amazing 💛💛♥️

Thanks Katy. Can’t get enough of these. 💛🧡❤️ @gjones

Thanks so much. It is definitely tropical weather here too. 💛❤️♥️💛 @midnightgardener

Fascinated by the colours of these flowers 🤩

They really are so lovely. I don’t think I have seen one with the white veining added. ♥️🧡💛🤍 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr me either! That little splash of white really makes the other colours glow 😍

It really does. 🤍😍 @kez001uk
Early Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus-fiesta #threebloomstoday #sopretty

Oh wow! Look at that beauty! 💘😍


Thanks Shelley. Was surprised to see 3 blooming today. 😍😍 @ShelleySnyder

Thanks so much Jason. Love the tropical vibe. 😍😍 @hebelover

Very welcome!💘😍

So many buds to open too 😍😍😍

Can’t wait to see them all. I am so lucky to have all these plants with such beautiful flowers. 😍 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr they’re lucky having you to take care of them so well 😁

You are so sweet. I do my best. Just got in from the evening watering. Love to spritz the cats too. They are so funny running around trying to escape the droplets. 🙀 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr 🤣😂 I can just imagine them in a blur of fur, running away from the spray 🤣

It is pretty funny. Maxx hid in the cat shelter. Smart boy. 😻😻😻 @kez001uk
Early Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus-fiesta #newbloomtoday #firstbloomfaded I apologize in advance as I may post photos of this beauty quite often. I really love its colours. 💛🧡❤️

No apology needed!! It’s so gorgeous. I am always drawn to these that have that dark center eye. 😍😍😍

Wow! That is outstanding color!!! 😍

Thanks Cherie. I love the dark centre too. ♥️ @cheriej

Thanks so much. I love the colours so much. 😍😍 @shinygarden584

Wow 🔥

Thanks Julie. The colours are so tropical. 😊 @juliesgarden

Please do! It’s stunning! 🤩

I will thanks 😍 @kez001uk
Early Summer 2022

#hibiscus #tropicalhibisus #hibiscus-fiesta #newtome #earlybirthdaygift #frommydaughter #bestofjune

A real showstopper! 🌺💘😍

Stunning 🔥🔥🔥

WOW!!!🤩🤩🤩 it’s fantastic!! Daughter gets a gold star!

Thanks Shelley. Such lovely colours. I am so lucky I get gifted beautiful plants. 😍😍 @ShelleySnyder

Thanks Jason. Love the way the colours are displayed on this beauty 🧡💛❤️ @hebelover

Thanks so much. I will tell her that. Lots more buds to open too. 🌟🧡💛♥️ @cheriej

Very welcome Diane!💘😍

Thanks, I agree. She knows me so well. 😍😍 @gjones

Tropical is exactly right! 😍 lovely birthday present ☺️

Thanks Kerry. Really love this. Great colours. 😍 @kez001uk

It is actually June30th. My eldest grandson was born on my birthday and I was in the delivery room. Best gift ever. 🙏♥️ @gjones
#macro #tropical-hibiscus #tropical-hibiscus-fiesta
Thanks Katy. It is great to have these lovely flowers to photograph 😍 @gjones